Fluoride Action Network

Moms2B Avoid Fluoride

The Moms2B campaign was launched in April 2018 to advise pregnant women to avoid fluoride, particularly fluoridated water, because of the potential for harm to the brain of the fetus. Please join with us.

Environmental Justice & Pregnant Women

A Message from Robin Lewis,
Director of Environmental Justice for the Fluoride Action Network

Fluoridation is also an environmental justice issue because low income and minority mothers have little if any alternatives but to drink fluoridated tap water, risking the health of themselves and their babies.

Low income moms cannot afford to install a water filter or buy bottle water to avoid drinking fluoridated water.   For those women who receive benefits from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) [i], bottle water purchases are allowed but at the expense of purchasing food.  Additionally, many low-income mothers take public transportation making it impossible for them to carry bottles of heavy water to their homes.  Although a reverse osmosis filtration system would be best, many rentals prohibit the installation of such systems.

In addition to these difficulties that low income moms encounter, incidents of infant and maternal mortality among women of color is significantly higher than those of other groups. [ii]   Why add fluoridated water to the environmental risks factors these moms already encounter?

Placing fluoride in our drinking water without our consent is an environmental injustice which affects all of us.  Unfortunately, low income and communities of color suffer the severest health burdens in our society.

[i] https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/contact-us

[ii] Exploring African Americans’ High Maternal and Infant Death Rates, . Center for American Progress, February 1, 2018.

For more info on Environmental Justice
and fluoride click here

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