Fluoride Action Network

Health considerations when bottle-feeding

Source: John Hopkins Medicine | May 9th, 2019

Note from the Fluoride Action Network
We put articles such as this online to document such worrisome advice on fluoride as is given below. This article was online May 9, 2019. (EC)

If you decide not to breastfeed, or are unable to breastfeed, commercial iron-fortified formulas can give your baby the nutrition he or she needs. Infant formulas have the right amounts of protein, calories, fat, vitamins, and minerals for growth. However, formula does not contain the immune factors that are in breastmilk. The immune factors in breastmilk help prevent infections and other health conditions throughout a baby’s life.

Infants who take enough iron-fortified infant formula usually don’t need vitamin and mineral supplements. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends vitamin D supplementation for all babies drinking formula until they are drinking at least 32 ounces a day. Fluoride supplements are recommended for babies whose primary water supply is not fluoridated. Check with your baby’s healthcare provider about vitamin D and fluoride supplements.

Types of infant formula

  • Cow’s milk-based formula. Most infants should be able to tolerate a standard cow’s milk formula. Cow’s milk formulas are modified to be closer to human milk. These formulas have lactose as the carbohydrate (sugar) source. They are available in ready-to-feed cans, liquid concentrate, and powder. Regular cow’s milk is not an appropriate source of nutrition for a human baby.
  • Soy-based or lactose-free formulas. These formulas are used if an infant can’t tolerate lactose, which is rarely a significant problem in babies. They don’t contain lactose as the sugar source. As many as 50% of all infants who are allergic to cow’s milk formula will also be allergic to soy-based formulas. Talk with your baby’s healthcare provider before changing formulas. Vegetarian parents may prefer soy-based formulas. But they should be aware that breastfeeding is still the best option.
  • Specialized formulas. There are special formulas for babies who are premature or who have certain rare disorders or diseases. These formulas may have special directions for use. They are prescribed by the baby’s healthcare provider.
  • Hydrolyzed formulas. Hydrolyzed formulas are easier to digest. They may be used in babies at risk for allergies. They are more expensive than regular formulas. Talk with your baby’s healthcare provider before using these formulas.
  • Low iron formulas. These formulas are not recommended…

*Read the full original article online at https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/bottlefeeding