Fluoride Action Network

Fluoride contamination and fluorosis in rural community in the vicinity of a phosphate fertilizer factory

Source: Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India
Posted on June 18th, 2011
Location: India
Industry type: Phosphate Industry

We studied chronic fluoride intoxication in 10 villages of Udaipur receiving F emissions from phosphate fertilizer factories. Although fluoride remained below permissible limit in most of the drinking water samples, the incidence of fluorosis in adults as well as in children was surprisingly high. Khemli appeared to be the most affected village (with >48% cases) where, about 93% of 2 h air samples contained fluoride above 2.0 ?g m(-3) and crops and vegetable F ranged from 27.5 to 143.4 ?g g(-1). Concentrations of fluoride and inorganic P in urine showed asynchrony and were well linked with prevalence of fluorosis. The study indicated that air-borne fluoride was the major factor for higher prevalence of fluorosis in these rural areas.

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See also Fluoride Action Network’s The Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: An Environmental Overview