Fluoride Action Network

International Action

Very few countries have adopted water fluoridation. Only eight countries in the world have more than 50% of their populations drinking artificially fluoridated water. In fact, 97% of Europe has chosen fluoride-free water. The pro-fluoride lobbying is working to change this by expanding fluoridation throughout the world. We must come together globally to stop them and reverse the damage they have already done. Don't just act locally, act globally.

International Action

Act Locally

The best way to help the worldwide fluoride-free movement is to first follow the popular campaign slogan: “Think globally, act locally.” Join the movement and work locally and at the state-level to end fluoridation.  Carry your local momentum to the national-level where your influence will start to have a more direct impact on international fluoride policy.

Increase FAN’s Support Base

Help FAN get the support of medical and scientific professionals from around the world by collecting signatures for our Professionals Statement against fluoridation.  Promote FAN on the internet by writing about us and linking to our website on social media sites or personal websites.

Increase Worldwide Awareness

Sign our official Petition calling for an End to Fluoridation throughout the world.  Send an email or letter to the World Health Organization urging them to end their current promotion of water fluoridation.  Send an email or letter to your countries Ambassador to the United Nations, calling for them to support a worldwide ban of water fluoridation.

Do you belong to an international nonprofit that deals with environmental, public health, or human rights issues?  Contact their management, let them know you’re a supporter and that you would like them to review water fluoridation and take a position in opposition to the practice.

Request that your local library carry important fluoride-free literature like “The Case Against Fluoride”, or “The Fluoride Deception.”  If you’re a college or graduate student, faculty, or live near a university, request that the administration host Dr. Connett as a speaker on the fluoridation issue.  While FAN doesn’t have the funds to fly Dr. Connett everywhere, college’s will generally set aside funding to host speakers like Dr. Connett.  Contact FAN if you would like to schedule a speaking engagement for one of our experts.

Share your story

If you or a loved one are victims of overexposure to fluoride, then your story can help us provide just how dangerous fluoridation can be, no matter where in the world it’s implemented.  Please share your story so that others can see clear proof of just how risky and damaging fluoridation can be.

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