SePRO Corporation
Fluorinated Pesticides

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of Fluoride and Fluorinated pesticides

The following is a partial list of fluorinated pesticides produced by this company.

Pesticide CAS No. Name of product Manufacturer / Distributor Material Safety Data Sheet Label
Fluridone 59756-60-4 Sonar A.S. Herbicide SePRO Corp. MSDS Label 
Fluridone 59756-60-4 Sonar PR Precision Release Herbicide SePRO Corporation MSDS Label 
Fluridone 59756-60-4 Sonar Q Herbicide SePRO Corporation MSDS Label
Fluridone 59756-60-4 Sonar SRP Herbicide SePRO Corp. MSDS Label
Flurprimidol  56425-91-3  Cutless 0.33G Landscape Growth Regulator  SePRO Corporation  MSDS  Label
Flurprimidol  56425-91-3  Cutless 50W Turf Growth Regulator  SePRO Corporation  MSDS  Label
Flurprimidol 56425-91-3  Topflor Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator SePRO Corporation  MSDS Label


Fluoride Action Network | Pesticide Project | 315-379-9200 |