Dear Supporter:
Before we get to our fundraising update and to a bulletin by International Fluoride Free Teleconference Founder Clint Griess, I wanted to remind everyone that this Sunday, December 14th at 5pm (EST), the entire Fluoride Action Network team will be featured on this month’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference. The call is free and will provide a year-in-review of the fluoride issue, as well as provide an opportunity for supporters to ask the FAN team questions. Please register today and join us for this great opportunity to interact with fellow campaigners from around the world and have your questions about fluoride answered by the experts.
Fundraising Update
To add more fun to this year’s fundraiser we are repeating a premium offer we made last year. As you know “Fluoridation is a House of Cards Waiting to Fall,” and thanks to a creative idea from Chris Neurath our Science Research Director, donors can play a hand in its downfall. Donors of $99 (please use this amount because it is a code to let us know that you wish to receive this premium) will receive a truncated version of the “50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation (plus 2)” on the faces of a deck of playing cards. You can guess which organizations are featured on the Jokers!
Perhaps you will be playing with this deck as we approach our goals of $150,000 from 1000 donors by midnight Dec 31 or our mini-goal of $100,000 by Christmas Eve.
Meanwhile, we received a terrific boost to our efforts today when Dr. Mercola pledged to match donations up to a fantastically generous total of $25,000.
This means that all donations coming in until we have reached a grand total of $86,308 will be doubled. Our current total stands at $36,308 from 176 donors.
A huge thank you from the whole FAN team to all of you who have contributed so generously thus far and for everything else you are doing to end this foolish and dangerous practice. I am so proud to be part of this team.
To make a tax-deductible donation you can either:
• Donate with either a one-time or a recurring monthly amount by using our secure online server, or
• Donate by check (payable to Fluoride Action Network) and send to:
FAN, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905
Director of FAN and co-author, The Case Against Fluoride (another premium in our fundraiser).
International Fluoride Free Teleconference
When I started the International Fluoride Free Teleconference in 2013, it was mostly to get the word out about Portland and that triumphal election to defeat the fourth attempt in forty years to add fluoride to drinking water. I learned directly from the leaders of the NO campaign everything from messaging and fundraising to organizing volunteers and coalition building.
All I could think was how activists everywhere should gain from the experience of that historic campaign. I figured everyone would be inspired and motivated as I was to build on Portland’s success. I also knew we had to honor the hard work of that remarkable campaign and its leaders and many supporters by using their experiences to forward our own local, state and national campaigns.
I was a political novice and struggling to organize a group where I live in San Francisco, but I did know something about leading large group trainings. So, I launched the monthly event with ambitious goals and the help of a few activists. With essential, early support from the Fluoride Action Network, we covered the start-up costs for a premiere teleconference system. FAN has also promoted the events every month among its members, and of course, folks from FAN have been featured presenters on several occasions too.
Hoping to create a monthly experience where people get a chance to interact with other activists from all over and to learn from the best of the experts in our worldwide movement, I continued to revise the format with feedback from engaged participants. And, this Sunday’s event will be our 16th monthly teleconference in a row!
Please Register for Sunday’s Call Featuring the Fluoride Action Network
Today, the library of audio recordings and associated presentation documents by themselves constitute a fundamental education in fluoridation science, history and contemporary campaigns. Having hosted these many conversations, I can now confidently attest to a reality that defies belief, namely that governments, so-called-scientists, big business, professional organizations, non-profits, and the main stream media have all conspired over many years to:
• fudge science to fool people into thinking that drinking a poison every day of your life is safe
• reap billions in profit by using our own water as a place to dispose of industrial toxic waste
• collude with each other to counter any advances made by fluoridation opponents, often at tax payers expense
Though unseemly, this information only strengthens my resolve.
Besides an unwavering commitment to end artificial water fluoridation everywhere, I am spurred on each month by the people I meet along the way. In this era of mass consumer consciousness and false political narratives challenging our ability to organize around principles, I find the people who are attracted to his issue to be of the utmost integrity, generous of spirit, uncommonly optimistic, and beautifully self-possessed. How refreshing and how inspiring!
Here’s wishing you all the blessings of the season and the happiest of holidays!
See all FAN bulletins