During 2016, I asked this question to many fluoridation promoters and have yet to receive an adequate scientific answer. I asked it in several audiences in New Zealand and also to promoters at a council hearing in Naples, Florida and most recently at a debate in Cortland, New York with Johnny Johnson and Steve Slott. Neither Johnson nor Slott, otherwise very vocal on promoting fluoridation, had an answer.
The Question to promoters of fluoridation:
“What primary scientific studies (not bogus reviews conducted by pro-fluoridation agencies) can you cite that gives you the confidence to ignore or dismiss the evidence that fluoride damages the brain as documented in over 300 animal and human studies (including 50 IQ studies).”
If proponents cannot provide an adequate scientific answer to this question: fluoridation should be halted immediately.
On Nov 22, 2016, Michael Connett, JD, asked this question to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on behalf of FAN, Food & Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Moms Against Fluoridation, and several individual mothers, in a petition calling on the EPA to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to the drinking water under provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The EPA has 90 days to reply, and if they fail to provide a satisfactory reply then they can be taken to Federal Court.
How you can take this further?
We are requesting that each one of you to ask this question of any promoter of fluoridation – and keep asking it throughout 2017 until you can get an answer. Send that answer to us.
Based on responses we have seen so far we anticipate that there will be no satisfactory answers. In our view, there is no scientific evidence that could justify ignoring the large number of scientific studies that fluoride damages the brain and thus no justification for continuing this unethical and reckless practice of deliberately adding fluoridating chemicals to the drinking water.
This in essence will be our 2017 campaign. Very simple, very direct and very important. We hope that you will support this in two ways: a) ask this showstopper question in as many creative ways as you can and as many times as you can, and b) support FAN financially.
Five more ways to take action:
1. Send a letter-to-the-editor to your local newspapers
2. Sign on to FAN’s petition to the EPA.
3. Send the press release to your media outlets
4. Share this Facebook and this Twitter post.
5. Make a donation to support this campaign (see below).
Fundraising update
Our new totals are $70,150 from 235 donors. We will be updatinng our running totals on a daily basis on our home pagewww.FluorideACTION.net
- PREMIUMS: See the exciting gifts we have available (with photos!) here.
Yesterday, we ran out of our current doubling pledge, however another generous donor has come in with an offer to double the next $1000 donated. We are looking for someone else to continue this doubling challenge – as it really encourages people when they know whatever they donate is matched dollar for dollar.
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. After only 13 days we are almost half way to our goal of $150,000 ( a total we have never reached before) to be raised by midnight Dec 31 but sadly less than a quarter of our goal of 1000 donors (again, which we have never reached before). It worries us that with over 80,000 supporters on Facebook, that – so far – we have only managed to persuade 235 to support our efforts financially. We understand that many of you are on a low budget and help us in a multitude of other ways and for this we are very grateful. But even a donation of $5 would be very helpful to swell our total numbers of donors – which is so important when we are approaching foundations for financial support. Because of this one of our most loyal super-angels has promised to donate very generous amounts when we reach the following donor milestones:
100 – $1000 (already reached)
200 – $1000 (already reached)
300 – $1000 (65 donations away)
400 – $1000
500 – $1000
600 – $2000
700 – $2000
800 – $2000
900 – $2000
1000 – $7000!
That’s a grand total of $20,000 – a goal achievable with a LOT of small donations.
To make a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network, a project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project, you can either:
- Donate online using our secure server. If you should experience difficulty in donating at our secure server, please call Network For Good at 1-888-284-7978 and press option 3 to make your donation over the phone.
- Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to: FAN, c/o Connett, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905
Why give to Uncle Sam when you can donate to FAN? Uncle Sam has used enough of our tax money to promote fluoridation. Your donation to FAN will help to end it!
Paul Connett, PhD
member of FAN’s fundraising team for 2016