It’s Official! Prince George Council Ends Fluoridation.
In October I had the privilege of visiting Prince George, BC. I was really impressed with the anti-fluoridation activists there and the way the community rallied around them. So, along with many others, I was thrilled when at the municipal election in November the citizens voted against fluoridation in a non-binding referendum. Last night (Dec 15) the new mayor and council made it official. Below we have printed the announcement from Emile Begin.
It is marvelous to share in their victory. It gives hope to all those who have struggled to achieve the same result in their own communities. Emile captures the feelings of waking up to find the nightmare practice in their community is over. What joy it is to be able once again (or in some cases for the first time) to go to the tap and drink freely of the public water supply and give it to one’s children without fear. We had that same joy in the little village of Canton, NY in 2003 (after a 7 and half year battle). Now we live in Binghamton, NY, which is fluoridated and we have to start the battle all over again.
As Emile says we have to end fluoridation one person and one community at a time. Which means educating one person and one community at a time. That is what we at FAN, and all the members of the Worldwide Alliance to End Fluoridation, are all about. The Prince George victory – and the many others we have celebrated this year-give us all hope. If you want to physically share in this worldwide battle for hope please consider making a small donation to support our work. And yesterday was another great day in our annual fundraising effort.
Fun and Fundraiser Update
On the fun-raising front don’t forget that a) you can get 4 packs of the “50 Reasons” playing cards for a donation of $104 (see other premiums) and b) if you have artistic talent you can win 5 premiums if you win our poster competition. Just imagine your winning poster may appear around the world!
A huge thank you to the 41 supporters yesterday that gave the whole FAN team a morale post by donating $3,826. With Dr. Mercola’s generous offer to double every donation (up to $25,000) this doubles to $7,652, bringing our grand total as of Dec 15 to $50,916 from 268 donors.
This means we are over one third of the way to goal of $150,000 by midnight Dec 31, and over half the way to our mini-goal of $100,000 by Christmas eve. We are also nearly a third of the way to our goal of 1000 donors.
So there is a lot to feel good about today. And you can make us even better by sending in a donation today. Large and small they all count – and they are tax-deductible for those living in the USA.
To make a tax-deductible donation you can either:
- Donate online using our secure server.
- Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to:
FAN, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905
You can also choose one of the several premiums available at different donation levels.
Fluoridation in the City of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada begun through an October 4, 1954 City resolution …will end December 31, 2014, 60 years after it began!
The first ever fluoridation non-binding opinion poll / referendum in Prince George was held November 15, 2014 and it has tonight been unanimously accepted by the new Mayor and full Council as binding, fairly expressing the will of informed people.
The unanimous decision to end fluoridation comes with the dismantling and removal of all fluoridation equipment and hazardous waste storage tanks.
City democracy took a very large, significant, hard won step forward in British Columbia this evening! For Canada and the rest of the World…. one person and one City at a time.
As a province, British Columbia is now close to 98.8% FLUORIDE FREE, by choice and science!