*Before we get to testimonials from supporters, I wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow night (Friday, Dec. 17) at 5:00pm (Eastern Time) we will be holding a virtual Zoom Holiday Gathering that is open to everyone. Come join organizers, professionals, and supporters from around the world to discuss the state of fluoridation and the lawsuit, share stories, tell jokes, and have your questions answered by FAN staff.  Let’s have some fun!  

Zoom Holiday Gathering INFO:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 841 0791 2888
Passcode: 219099

Dial by your location. Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdRgovAucd

Why I Support The Fluoride Action Network

Yesterday was a good fundraising day thanks to 14 donors contributing $3,011 to bring our current totals to $31,507 from 180 supporters. Thanks to another “super angel,” who would like to see yesterday’s momentum continue, we have another doubling challenge. If we can raise $1,000 today, they have pledged to double it!

We’re still a significant distance from our goal of $150,000 from 1500 supporters, but our hope is that we can continue to show you over the remaining fifteen days why our work in 2022 is worthy of your financial support.  This week, an incredible member of our FAN Leadership Team and family, Dawna Gallagher-Stroeh, asked a number of donors an important question: Why Do You Support The Fluoride Action Network? We were overjoyed and grateful for what Dawna heard back.

Below are three of these responses, and we have more that we will share in another bulletin. We also want to hear from you! Please send me and email (stuart@fluoridealert.org) explaining in a sentence or three, why you choose to support FAN and our work. Feel free to send a photo to help personalize your message.

Thank you to all who have supported and contributed to our work and the fluoride-free movement. We will win, and we will protect future generations, because not only are truth and science firmly on our side, but we’re more dedicated and passionate than our opponents.

How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation:

  • Online, using our secure server.
  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:

    Fluoride Action Network
    c/o Connett
    105 Kingston Road
    Exeter, NH 03833

Thank you,

Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online