Proponents of fluoridation often claim that people harmed by the practice do not exist. We know this isn’t true because the CDC admits dental fluorosis rates are between 41- 65% for adolescents in the U.S., and because we regularly hear from supporters whose lives have been turned upside down due to their hypersensitivity or adverse reactions to fluoride. Today we have a “must-see” video featuring one of these individuals, who also happens to be a scientist. But first, here is a quick update on our fundraiser.
Yesterday we raised $770 from 13 donors for a grand total of $60,019 from 485 donors. We are only 15 donors away from 500 donors which will trigger another $2120 milestone pledge. Would you like to join the milestone pledge team and add to the amount donated when we reach subsequent milestones in our fundraiser ( 600, 700, or 800 donors etc)? If so, please email your milestone pledge offer (no need to send money yet) to:
How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation
- Online, using our secure server.
- If you should experience difficulty in donating online please email:
- Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:
Fluoride Action Network
c/o Connett
104 Walnut Street
Binghamton NY 1390
Amanda’s Story
Amanda Sleeper is a neuroscientist, with a PhD from Yale, and is a long-term supporter of the Fluoride Action Network. She is also highly sensitive to fluoride and in this 5-minute video, which was shown to the Calgary City council on Oct 29, she explains what fluoride did to her before she took steps to avoid it.
(Click on graphic for video)
Today’s video is so powerful, we really want it to speak for itself, so I’ll spare you a lot of text. That said, please watch and share far and wide, especially with decision makers. Victims of water fluoridation aren’t simply a stat found in a study, they’re our friends, neighbors, and loved ones. FAN works tirelessly to protect people like Amanda, as well as to share their stories with the public, media, and decision-makers.
If you’ve been harmed by fluoridation and want to share your story, please email
Help us raise greater awareness of the victims of fluoridation in 2020 by supporting our work with a tax-deductible contribution.
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network