In 2018 FAN was able to help fluoridation fighters in NZ in a number of ways. Now FAN-NZ is returning the favor by asking their supporters to help our annual fundraising efforts. See their newsletter below. But first an update on that fundraiser.
Yesterday, Friday Dec 21 was another big day in terms of the total amount of dollars donated ($3,469) and the number of donors (45). These have brought our current totals to $122,516 from 353 supporters.
This means we need $23,484 to reach $146,000. If we can reach this total by midnight Christmas Eve it will trigger a pledge of $4,000 from Dr. Mercola and reach a mini-goal of $150,000. This will put us in a very good position after Christmas day to reach our ambitious goal of $250,000 by Midnight Dec 31.
Once again we thank all our supporters for helping us to achieve the impossible!
The first $1000 donated today will be doubled by a long-term supporter, and another is standing by to donate $400 when we reach 400 donors. And don’t forget you can get our collectors’ item (Anne-Lisa Gotzsche’s book) for a donation of $11, and two for $22, and 3 for $33 (these numbers are codes for us).
How to make a tax-deductible donation to FAN:
- Online at our secure server.
- Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Send your check to:Fluoride Action Network
c/o Connett
104 Walnut Street
Binghamton NY 13905
Some Christmas Cheer from New Zealand
Hi Everyone
We have a little bit of good news to end the year on.
The Advertising Standards Authority has rejected complaints against the newspaper adverts we used in September to advertise the Talks by our overseas experts, and the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill is now sitting at number 23 on the Order Paper. At the beginning of this year it had got as low as number 12. The higher up the Order Paper the Bill sits, the less likely it is to be heard and become law.
Thanks to everyone who has taken some action during the year. We are making a difference.
Two highlights from the year were the Talks by Prof Connett, in a number of towns around the country, and a Talk in Parliament, in February. The other was the Talks by three overseas experts; Prof Paul Connett, Dr Vyvyan Howard and Environmental scientist Declan Waugh.
Please see how we can help support FAN.
Once again, thank you everyone for supporting Fluoride Free. Hope you all have a safe and joyful Christmas.