Fundraising. Our current totals stand at $128,048 from 544 supporters. Realistically, with only three days to go (including the rest of today) achieving our goals of $150,000 from 1000 donors by midnight Dec 31 (PT) is going be very difficult (some would say “impossible,” but we refuse to use that word). However, our super-angel has modified his strategy for rewarding donor milestones. With $10,000 in play, instead of awarding $2000 for each 100 donors from 600 to 1000, he is going to award $5000 when we reach 600 donors and another $5,000 when we reach 700. He feels that this is a more likely way he can help us reach our $150,000 goal (which we have never done before) before time runs out.

So once again we need large numbers of small donations to succeed and we continue to encourage donors to list other family members when they donate (or simply send us the list of names you wish to include(

Meanwhile, we have run out of any pledges to double donations – do we have any takers on this? Please email me if you would like to donate $500, $1000 or more to double donations up to a specified amount (

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network, a project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project. To do so you can either:

  • Donate online using our secure server.  If you should experience difficulty in donating at our secure server, please call Network For Good at 1-888-284-7978 and press option 3 to make your donation over the phone.
  • Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to: FAN, c/o Connett, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905

PREMIUMS: See the exciting premiums we have available (with photos!) here.

The very questionable benefit of swallowing fluoride

We have spent most of our fundraising efforts for our 2017 campaign focusing on the risks fluoridation poses to the developing brain. In our view the notion that there could be any benefit from water fluoridation that could justify such risks is preposterous. Damage to the brain should trump ANY benefit to the teeth. But such a proposition becomes even more preposterous when one discovers that – as Carol Kopf summarized in her press release circulated in yesterday’s bulletin – even the promoters’ own research suggest the evidence of any benefit – if any exist at all – is very weak. She linked to one picture that says it all. Today I would like to take a closer look at that picture:

This chart is based upon the data collected in the largest dental survey carried out in the US (NIDR, 1986-87). The study examined tooth decay and dental fluorosis among 39,000 children in 84 communities. The blue bars show that as community fluoride water levels went up so does the prevalence of dental fluorosis. This is a STRONG relationship. In contrast, as the community fluoride water levels go up there is very little – if any – significant difference in tooth decay (striped pink bars). This is a VERY WEAK relationship.

What kind of risk would you impose on the developing brains of babies and young children to achieve this questionable benefit?

See the petition to the USA EPA to ban fluoridation under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA).

Did you know that one well-designed Chinese study found that as little as 1.4 mg of fluoride per day could lower a child’s IQ by 5 IQ points? That level – even without a safety factor to protect the most vulnerable children – can be exceeded by some American children from the combined dose they receive from all sources.

Paul Connett, PhD
Member of FAN 2016 Fundraising Team

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