Today–the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the U.S.–is referred to as “Giving Tuesday,” and is a movement to create an international day of giving back by contributing to a charitable cause you find important.  In this new video, the Fluoride Action Network’s Executive Director, Paul Connett, PhD, explains how FAN works tirelessly to give all of you the gift of fluoride-free drinking water:

(Click on graphic for video)

According to CDC stats, after 70 years the number of communities adding fluoridation chemicals to their drinking water is now going down in the U.S. thanks to local campaigners, the Fluoride Action Network, AND YOU. Together, we’ve reversed the growth, now you can help us finish the job.

Our annual fundraiser is critical in helping to keep our winning momentum going in the face of a dental lobby that continues to dig deeper into their pockets to defeat us.  A #GivingTuesday donation will help to give us a strong start going into our fundraising drive, no doubt inspiring more supporters to invest in an end to fluoridation.

In November we received $6,900 from 3 donors for the fundraiser.  So far in December we have received 14 donations totaling $1,912 for a grand total of $8,812 from 17 donors?, on our way to our goal of raising $250,000 from 1250 donors by midnight on December 31st.

Today, the first $1,000 in donations will be doubled by one of our very generous supporters.  So you can make your #GivingTuesday donation go twice as far!

Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to a charitable cause that will protect your water, your health, our children’s brains, your personal freedom, and help get scientific integrity back into public health decisions. Contribute to an end to forced fluoridation.

Recurring donations. One way to make a fairly large donation manageable is to spread it over the year by pledging so much a month. A pledge of $10 a month gives us $120 a year and a pledge of $25 a month gives us a massive $300! These recurring donations also add a solid rock on which we can build each year.

How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donate:

  • Online, using our secure server.
  • If you should experience difficulty in donating online, or would like to donate over the phone, please call Network For Good at 1-888-284-7978 and press option 3 to make your donation.
  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:
    Fluoride Action Network
    c/o Connett
    104 Walnut Street
    Binghamton NY 13905

*Please note that some corporations match tax deductible donations made by their employees to some non-profits. We qualify for this. This is the information to provide your corporation finance people, the parent body for FAN is the American Environmental Health Studies Project, Inc.

Thank you for your continued support and efforts to end water fluoridation throughout the world.


Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online