We have an exciting special offer for our supporters.

Over 200 copies of the late Anne-Lisa Gotzche’s book, The Fluoride Question, were donated to the Fluoride Action Network.  The book was published in 1975 and is no longer in print, making it a collector’s item for those in the fluoride-free movement.  It offers a look at the arguments and science against the practice 40+ years ago, as well as its history. The book is also a testament to how opponents of fluoridation have been right to question the practice, as past concerns about rising fluorosis, endocrine disruption, and infant exposure have become a tragic reality.

To this end we have had a very exciting offer (for the USA only).  The books are available at a giveaway cost (i.e. donation) of $23. To take advantage of that offer please contact Ellen at Ellen@FluorideAlert.org – and yes you can order a 2nd or 3rd copy for a reduced price: 2 for $30, 3 for $45, etc…at least until the remaining copies are gone.

FAN bumper stickers are also available and are great for your car, your mailbox, for putting up around town, or as a bookmark for your copy of the book. Get one free with any size donation, or 10 for $20 dollars (more if sent out of the U.S); larger orders negotiable; contact Ellen@fluoridealert.org


To whet your appetite, here is Paul’s favorite quotes from The Fluoride Question:

There has rarely been a scientific or medical issue followed with such intense interest and emotion by the lay community -and with such laxity by the scientific establishment. (p.23)

She quotes the late Albert Schatz (co-discoverer of streptomycin) as saying:

“Ever since US dentistry ‘created’ fluoridation it has been forced to defend it in the face of increasing worldwide opposition from many responsible scientists…As a result the reputation of US dentistry has become irrevocably bound to the fate of fluoridation. A stage has now been reached where the rejection of fluoridation will irreparably discredit the American Dental Association and the National Institute of Dental Research of the US Public Health Service.” (p.35)

She quotes John Knutson a prominent promoter of fluoridation in the 1970s, who was quoted in the British Dental Journal in Oct 6 1970:

As soon as dentists recognize their responsibility in the politics of fluoridation, their performance will be outstanding. In politics, the emphasis must be on commitment rather than detached objectivity…. In other words, a dentist does not need to know all the vast scientific background to fluoridation… all he needs is the knowledge that fluoridation is safe, effective and practical, and enough enthusiasm to convince other people that this is so. (p.25)

Fundraising Update

Yesterday we raised $4,065 from 15 donors for a grand total to $16,097 from 58 donors?, on our way to our goal of raising $250,000 from 1250 donors by midnight on December 31st. This is a terrific start but we have a long way to go to reach our ambitious – but necessary – goal of raising $250,000 by midnight PT Dec 31.

We hope that more of you will help fund our ongoing efforts to end fluoridation. To do so we need to get the recent momentous findings of fluoride’s neurotoxicity (see the trending topics on our home page) out to more scientists, more media outlets and more decision makers. All that takes money and a lot of hard work.

More than anything else we need to do this to protect our children and our grandchildren. One can repair a tooth but it is difficult to repair a  brain once it has been impacted during fetal development or infancy.

Please help make 2020 our best year yet. All donations (up to a total of $1000) will be doubled today thanks to  another generous challenge grant.

How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

  • Online, using our secure server.
  • If you should experience difficulty in donating online, or would like to donate over the phone, please call Network For Good at 1-888-284-7978 and press option 3 to make your donation.
  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:

Fluoride Action Network
c/o Connett
104 Walnut Street
Binghamton NY 13905

Thank you for your continued support and efforts to end water fluoridation throughout the world.


Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online