**MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The 6th Citizen Conference on Fluoride will be held on September 16-18 in Washington, D.C. (at the same hotel where we held the FAN conference in 2014). In the coming weeks we will provide additional hotel and registration information. Stay tuned. **
Paul Connett in Western Australia
In the weeks leading up to election day in Western Australia, Paul Connett, PhD–FAN Senior Advisor and co-author of The Case Against Fluoride–traveled throughout the region, working with campaigners to educate the public and media before the vote.
In his WA tour he spoke in Kununurra, Yanchep, Perth, Mandurah and Margaret River. He also presented a copy of his book to Mark McGowan, the next Premier of WA. Paul also met with the Health Minister, John Day (a dentist). Even though he is staunchly pro-fluoridation Paul said they had a cordial discussion, and he left Day with the question: “Please provide citizens with a list of studies that give you the confidence to continue this practice even though there are over 300 animal and human studies that indicate that fluoride can damage the brain. We have over 300 red flags that say stop this practice where are your green flags that say go on?” Day lost his seat in the election.
Even though none of the candidates who ran for the Fluoride Free Western Australia Party won a seat in parliament, all agree that the effort was worth it. In six years these WA fluoride fighting activists have never had so much media coverage. During the election the words “fluoride free” were constantly visible in countless ways.
- Watch TV interview in Kununurra, WA.
- Watch Paul’s short presentation in front of Parliament.
- Listen to a radio program (4 minutes) that explains how Fluoride Free WA will win upper house seat.
- Paul also appeared in a 25-minute TV program (on WTV) that was broadcast throughout WA. It was aired on TV three times and shared online. — WATCH AND SHARE THE TV SPECIAL
Call to Government to Act on Precautionary Principle with Fluoride
The following is a press release from Fluoride New Zealand, sent out on Friday:
“It was petrol in the 70s and 80s – what’s the equivalent today?” presenter Petra Bagust asked on TV3’s programme The Project, which covered this week’s news about lead exposure lowering IQ by more than 4 points.
“The answer is fluoride,” says Mary Byrne, National Coordinator for Fluoride Free NZ. “All of the discussion on The Project applies to fluoride in water.”
Using data from the Dunedin Longitudinal study, the authors concluded that children exposed to lead in the 1960s and 1970s have suffered ‘long term ramifications’ with lower cognitive function, lower socio-economic status at age 38 years and downward social mobility.
Leaded petrol was not banned in New Zealand until 1996, a twenty-six year delay from when researchers first raised the alarm bells.
Public Health Expert, Professor Nick Wilson, was interviewed on the programme and said, “When you are dealing with children’s intelligence, and you’re dealing with a neurotoxin, you really have to prioritise the well-being of children. You should take a precautionary approach so that even if all the evidence is not in, governments need to act.”
“It is astonishing,” says Ms Byrne, “that Professor Wilson is ignoring the research showing fluoride’s harm to the brain, which is mounting virtually by the day. Using his own reasoning, he should be calling for the Precautionary Principle to be applied to fluoridation now.”
According to Professor Connett, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Toxicity, and director the USA-based Fluoride Action Network, “Fluoride is now in the same place as lead was in the 1970s.”
“In humans, 51 out of 58 IQ studies have shown an association between fluoride exposure and lowered IQ. This is a remarkable consistency when you consider that these studies have been conducted by different authors in different geographical areas in four different countries around the world over a period of 22 years. There is also a consistency between animal and human studies – over 30 animal studies show that fluoride reduces the ability to learn and memorise in maze tests.”
Next to the oil industry, the Ministry of Health was the main opponent to removing lead from petrol and were supported by the Royal Society of NZ. “The government has obviously not learnt its lesson and is now refusing to take a precautionary approach to fluoridation despite a growing body of health professionals and scientists calling for a halt to fluoridation,” says Ms Byrne.
A Harvard meta-analysis of the 27 human studies on fluoride and IQ, published in the prestigious Lancet Medical Journal, found that fluoride in water reduced IQ by an average of seven IQ points.
The US Government is currently undertaking studies to try to ascertain at what dose this harm occurs. In contrast, the NZ Government is considering a new fluoridation Bill to increase fluoride exposure.
Fluoridation chemicals also contain trace amounts of lead and other heavy metals also known to be neurotoxins. A number of studies in the past 18 years have found that fluoridation chemicals increase the uptake of lead.
“Surely, if ever there was a time for the Precautionary Principle to be responsibly applied it should be now. Fluoride has been known for a long time as the protected pollutant, but nowadays it should also be known as the protected neurotoxin.”
Latest Teleconference
If you missed this month’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference (IFFT) featuring a discussion of the Second Step in Building a Successful Fluoride-free Campaign: choosing a strategy, then you can listen now on the IFFT website. Participants explored the different pathways to victory depending on local government structure. March’s teleconference builds on February’s conversation: “Step 1: Map Your Jurisdiction – Inroads to Influence”.
CORRECTION: East Brunswick NJ continues to fluoridate.
In our FAN bulletin of March 22, 2017, we reported that East Brunswick NJ ended fluoridation. Unfortunately, this was not correct. According to a February 9, 2017 press report: “The Health Advisory Council recommended that East Brunswick should not continue to purchase fluoride,” said Councilman Michael Spadafino, chairman of the Health Advisory Committee. The use of fluoridation has long been a subject of discussion at East Brunswick Council meetings… However, the full council has not yet voted on a resolution to end the fluoridation of water in the township.” EB Township Council: Busy, Contentious Meeting Starts Budget Process. Please accept our apologies.
Latest Fluoride News
–City of Sarnia Pondering Use of Fluoride (Ontario)
–Fluoride-Lobby Spending Large Sums to Oppose Durango April 4 Vote (Colorado)
–Vermont Legislature Looks at Fluoridation (Vermont)
–Fluoride in Battlefield Water Could be Removed (Missouri)
–Sudbury City Councilor Wants to Know How Much Fluoride is in Water (Ontario)
–Middletown in the Middle of a Decision on Fluoridation (Maryland)
–Arab Water Board Votes Again to Remove Fluoride From Water (Alabama)
–Speakers to Talk in Opposition to Fluoridation at Meadville (Pennsylvania)
–Health Secretary Overrules Democratic Process to Force Fluoridation (U.K.)
–Fluoridation of Bucyrus Considered (Ohio)
–Orange County Residents: Don’t Put Fluoride in Water (North Carolina)
For more fluoride related media, please visit FAN’s News Archive.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network