Latest Fluoride-Free Victories
- Battlefield, Missouri (June 21)– The water district board voted unanimously to end fluoridation for the town of 6,000 due to corrosion caused by the chemical, and because of the availability of safer and more effective alternatives to reduce decay. The dental lobby and regional health officials who have received grants to promote the practice have vowed to fight the vote, despite the significant health risks to residents, the water infrastructure, and water employees.
- Nipawin, Saskatchewan (July 13)– After months of consideration and a presentation by public health administrators, the Mayor and Council in Nipawin, Saskatchewan (pop. 4,401) voted 4-1 to reject a proposal by the Saskatchewan medical health officer to fluoridate the drinking water. As one councilor said, “It’s not our job to supply medication.” The Mayor also voted against the proposal because she felt the decision should be made by residents via a ballot referendum, not by councilors.
- Johnstown, Pennsylvania (July 21)– The Greater Johnstown Water Authority voted unanimously (11-0) to end the addition of fluoridation chemicals to the drinking water. The vote was influenced by significant opposition to the practice by water consumers, which was highlighted by the results of a customer survey on the issue in which 70% of respondents opposed fluoridation.The Greater Johnstown Water Authority serves an estimated population of 52,657. In Cambria County: the City of Johnstown (19,712), Brownstown Borough (700), Dale Borough (1,160), Ferndale Borough (1,600), Lorain Borough (714), Westmont Borough (4,876), East Conemaugh Borough (1,145), Franklin Borough (300), Southmont Borough (2,150), Conemaugh Township (2,000), Middle Taylor Township (800), Stonycreek Township (2,000), Lower Yoder Township (2,500), Upper Yoder Township (5,000) and West Taylor (6,000). Also included is Conemaugh Township in Somerset County (2,000).
FAN Senior Advisor and chemist, Paul Connett, PhD, was recently in Pennsylvania for a public debate against retired Florida dentist and fluoridation propagandist Johnny Johnson, DDS. Click here to watch the 90-minute debate.
Residents and campaigners in Pennsylvania have supplied steady wins for our movement, and have made it one of the most active states for fluoridation votes and decisions. Here are the additional Pennsylvania victories since 2011:
In 2016, Guilford & Greene Township, with a combined population of 26,000
In 2015, Bellefonte with a population of 6,224
In 2015, Brackenridge Borough with a population of 3,240
In 2015, Schuylkill Haven with a population of 5,340
In 2014, Ford City with a population of 3,000
In 2014, Bucks County with a population of 385,000
In 2013, Tyrone with a population of 5,500
In 2012, West Manheim with a population of 8,000
In 2012, Myerstown with a population of 3,500
In 2011, Pottstown with a population of 15,500
In 2011, Schuylkill Haven with a population of 5,500
New Fluorosis Video
Do your teeth, or your child’s teeth have white spots, white streaks, cloudy splotches, brown stains, or pitting? If so, you or your child may be among the millions of Americans who now have a condition called dental fluorosis.
Fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel caused by too much fluoride intake during the first 8 years of life, and in the U.S. fluorosis rates have increased by 600% in just the last 60 years.
Watch this new short video to learn more, and please share our Facebook and Twitterposts on the video to help warn others via social media. You can also visit our webpage on dental fluorosis to learn more.
2017 Chilean review: fluoridation is ineffective & harmful
A team of experts from Chile–including doctors, biologists, a lawyer, a civil engineer, a toxicologist, an environmental expert, and a chemist–have published a damning review of water fluoridation in the Medical Journal of Chile, February 2017. The review was financed by the Medical College of Chile.
Chile is considered a pioneer in the fluoridation of drinking water, starting in 1953 when Curico was fluoridated. By 1958, nearly 60% of the country was fluoridated, and constant expansion has led to a current rate of 82.5%.
Despite the long history of national support for the practice, the article entitled, “Consequences of Fluoridation of Drinking Water on Human Health,” concludes that artificial fluoridation of drinking water and milk has not only been ineffective at reducing dental decay in children, but is likely harmful to health. According to the researchers:
“A) The effects of fluoride intake pose risks of various diseases in the asthmatic-skeletal, neurological, endocrine and skin systems. Dental and skeletal fluorosis are signs of chronic and excessive ingestion of fluoride.
B) Infants, children and adolescents are at high risk of diseases due to over-intake of fluorides, through drinking water and / or fluoridated milk, as the deterioration of health is proportional to the dose and the time of exposure .The fluoridation of drinking water does not significantly impact on caries prevention. For their effectiveness is rather a topical and non-systemic effect, as demonstrated by countries that do not fluoride drinking water, and do not use milk or fluoride salts, decreasing dental deterioration at the same rate as those that fluoride drinking water.”
C) The research team based their analysis on a review of all available studies that included control of confounding variables. They discuss fluoride’s ability to cause bone, thyroid, neurological, and skin damage. There is also in indepth analysis of WHO data that shows, “fluoridation of drinking water and salts have no incidence at all in reducing dental [decay].”
There was also a brief discussion on the legal aspects of water fluoridation, which found the following:
“The fluoridation of drinking water in Chile forces citizens to involuntarly consume a chemical they do not require. For decade the majority of the Chilean population has been overexposed to this potentially unhealthy element, transgressing constitional guarantees.”
In response to their findings the research team made the following recommendations:
“ 1. To amend Decree No. 735 of November 7, 1969, updating it with Supreme Decree No. 131 of 2006, and the Regulations for Services for Human Consumption of 2007, to avoid fluoridation of drinking water and avoid fluoridation Of milk, in all regions of the country.
2. Prioritize the use of dental hygiene products containing the necessary, but minimal, amounts of fluoride to maintain dental health, strengthen education for better dental care and better nutrition.
3. Educate health and education professionals about the adverse consequences of fluoride intake.
4. To carry out epidemiological studies in Chile, to evaluate the adverse effects on health, through ingestion and use of fluorides, for decades.”
FAN’s Fluoride Conference in September
If you missed July’s International Fluoride Free Teleconference, the audio is now available to download or stream. During the call, Paul and Ellen Connett made some exciting announcements about the upcoming 6th Citizen’s Conference on Fluoride in Washington, D.C. from September 16th through 18th.
The three-day Conference will focus on Science (Saturday, Sept 16), Strategy(Sunday, Sept 17), and Action (Monday, Sept 18), with two days of speakers followed by a day of lobbying and sightseeing on Capital Hill.
Hotel rooms are available at significantly discounted rates, but availability is limited and rooms will return to full price on August 24th, so CLICK HERE to make your arrangements before it’s too late.
To listen to July’s teleconference audio and register for next month’s call, CLICK HERE.
Latest Fluoride News:
–Public Takes Out Fluoride Frustration at Meadville Council Meeting (Pennsylvania)
–Some Businesses and Individuals Plan to Remove Fluoride (Pennsylvania)
–Northern Tasmania: Fluoride Could Be Put to the People (Australia)
–Tasmanian Council Says Towns Should Decide What is Added to Water (Australia)
–Jonesborough Fluoride Battle Continues as Town Ends Addition (Tennessee)
–Lead, Arsenic, Fluoride Found in Water Under Memphis Power Plant (Tennessee)
–11.5 Million People in India at High Risk of Fluorosis Due to Water (India)
–In Some Areas, Fluoride Debate Rages (Indiana)
–Dentist: Water Fluoridation – Reduce or Eliminate? (Ohio)
–Port Angeles City Council Candidates Debate Fluoridation (Washington)
–Fluoride as a Ballot Measure in Sheridan (Wyoming)
–Fluoridation to Appear on Petersburg Ballot (Alaska)
–Kidney Calamity Caused by Fluoride in Water (Vietnam)
–Franklin, Windsor, and Courtland City Have High Fluoride Levels (Virginia)
–Actress Olivia Munn Cut Fluoride From her Diet to Clear Acne (USA)
–Eau Claire Fluoridation Debate (Wisconsin)
–Sheridan Still Mulling Fluoride Options (Wyoming)
For more fluoride related media, please visit FAN’s News Archive.?
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network