The public is invited to a presentation TONIGHT on the removal of fluoridation chemicals from Potsdam’s drinking water supply.  The event will feature Paul Connett, PhD, Director of the Fluoride Action Network, co-author of The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green 2010), and retired professor of chemistry and toxicology from St. Lawrence University in nearby Canton.

WHAT: Fluoridation Presentation in New York; open to the public!

WHEN: **TONIGHT** Thursday, July 26th, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

WHERE: Potsdam Town Hall Community Room at 18 Elm St. (across from IGA supermarket)

WHO: The featured speaker is Dr. Paul Connett, Ph.D., speaking on the “Fifty Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation.”


Paul will be joined by two residents of Walden, NY–Mayor Susan Rumbold and Village Trustee Lynn Thompson–who recently overcame many obstacles put in their path by the NY State Department of Health to end fluoridation in their town including a last minute offer by state officials to pay for the fluoridating chemicals!

Please join us for this event, and share with anyone you know in the Potsdam area.


Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online