While the unprecedented media coverage of our lawsuit victory and the wave of communities ending or suspending fluoridation in response is still growing (more on this to come), we did want to provide an update on the impending deadline for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to file an appeal. 

On September 24th, the Court issued its Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law and entered a judgement in favor of the Fluoride Action Network and our co-plaintiffs:

On November 20th, the Court officially entered its judgement in a separate document, as required by federal rules.

The requirement for a separate document entering a judgement is to make clear to the parties in a lawsuit when the sixty-day time period for appeal begins. This means that the EPA has until January 20th, 2025 to file a notice of appeal. 

We believe that the ruling is so comprehensive and robust that an appeal would only act to delay the inevitable end to fluoridation, unnecessarily inflicting further harm upon millions of children in the U.S. and the few nations to which we exported this practice, including Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand.

Once the appeal deadline has passed, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires the EPA to draft regulations to eliminate the unreasonable risk water fluoridation chemicals pose to the developing brain in utero and infancy. Clearly, the only way to do so is to prohibit the use of such chemicals in water systems. 

We have more good news in regard to our lawsuit, but first an update on our annual fundraiser:

Since Monday, we’ve raised $2,820 from 39 supporters, putting us nicely on our way to our goal of raising $140,000 from 700 donors by midnight on December 31st to fund our operating budget in 2025. Thank you to all who have contributed towards our important work in the coming year.

Your support over the past 24 years has gotten FAN to this point, on the verge of witnessing the end of fluoridation together, and now we ask you once again for your support to help us finish the job. We’re closer than we’ve ever been, and with unprecedented momentum on our side. 

How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation:

This week, FAN attorney Michael Connett has received the great honor of being named “Person of the Year 2024” by Masters of Health magazine. He achieved this through his work leading FAN and our co-plaintiffs through the federal legal process to a monumental victory that has already had a significant impact globally. Read more here.

Connett has also been making the interview rounds in both the mainstream and alternative media. Some very informative interviews I’d like to highlight at the moment that focus on the lawsuit include:

  • A 37-minute audio podcast interview with Sheryl Attkisson, an investigative journalist, five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting.
  • A 50-minute video interview by investigative journalist Derrick Broze, who provided more detailed coverage than any other journalist over the entire 7-year span of our lawsuit. This is an in-depth look into the legal victory and the National Toxicology Program’s report on neurotoxicity.
  • A 46-minute video interview on The Jimmy Dore Show, a very popular talk show hosted by comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore. 
  • A 60-minute interview by Dr. Ken Berry, MD, a physician and author who has long followed FAN’s work and helped end fluoridation in his own community, which he recounts during this episode. Click the graphic below to watch: