Please stay tuned as this page will be updated with additional information, tools, and materials over the next 24-hours.
If you want to do more, talk to your contact your city council, selectmen, Mayor, water board, and water director.
- Nearly every community in the USA has a city, town or village council to work for the best interests of the residents.
- With friends and neighbors, attend one of their meetings to explain the facts as presented in the Bashash et al.(2017) study where the authors reported that it was the level of fluoride in the urine of pregnant women that was the causative factor for a drop of 5 to 6 IQ points in their children at 4 years of age and 6-12 years of age. 299 pregnant women and their offspring were in this multi-million dollar study funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The levels of fluoride in pregnant women in fluoridated communities in the U.S. are expected to be the same levels as the women in the Bashash et al. study.
- Also mention that another study of pregnant women and their offspring by Thomas et al. (2018) found a similar result for the lowering of IQ in 3 year olds. This study was also funded by the U.S NIH.
- Ask them to consider this question:If your wife or daughter was pregnant,
would you want them to know about
the results of these studies?
Would you want them to drink the tap water? - Request your city council to invoke the Precautionary Principle(If in Doubt, Take it Out) and place an immediate moratorium on fluoridation in the community so that all pregnant women in your area will be protected.
- If your city council refuses to consider a moratorium on fluoridation, ask that they provide free non-fluoride tap water to pregnant women and bottle-fed infants in the community for not only drinking purposes but for food uses such as soups, rice, pasta, coffee, tea, fruit beverages, etc. They can do this by placing water taps in convenient locations throughout your city/town that provide drinking water with no added fluoride, or
- By subsidizing reverse osmosis water filters for placement under the kitchen sink in the homes of pregnant women and bottle-fed infants. Concurrent with this would be for your council to consider the best means of delivery of this water to families without cars to carry it.
- Request the city Council to write to the city/or county Public Health Director and local Water Director asking them to issue warning announcements to pregnant women to not drink the water and also to run PSAs (Public Service Announcements) on TV, radio, print, web, and in Annual Water Confidence Reports.
See also:
• Social Media Campaign
• Educate Your Local Media Outlets
• Letter-to-Editor Campaign
• Contact Your State Legislator
• Educate Your Local Decision Makers
• Local Screenings of our Videos and PSAs