We don’t have the science and that is because of poor decisions made more than 20 years ago. The conspiracy theory folks win the game on this one and we have lost, let’s face it.

FAN has received communications from a dental public health email list. It probably won’t surprise you to know that what is said in private differs from what is offered to the public. In an email to dental colleagues regarding the recent publication of the NTP #fluoride neurotoxicity report, Margaret Scarlett, DMD (formerly with the CDC) bluntly stated that:

The dental community “leadership” hasn’t funded projects properly and really looked at the issue of total fluoride intake carefully. However, the need for another fluoridation trial to measure total fluoride intake in the US was noted more than 20 years ago. We had a clue from NHANES that something was happening when fluorosis started showing up more than 25 years ago. Now we don’t have the science and that is because of poor decisions made more than 20 years ago. The conspiracy theory folks win the game on this one and we have lost, let’s face it. After the public hears IQ, that is all they hear.

We agree, Margaret. The jig is up.