Water Fluoridation and Environmental Justice
Report by Fluoride Action Network
Submitted, September 25, 2015
To: Environmental Justice Interagency Working Committee
As the the pdf online document for this report was user unfriendly, the following are the live links for the references.
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Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/15328/
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Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/15552/
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Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/15547/
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Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/15548/
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Fisher RL, Medcalf TW, Henderson MC. 1989. Endemic fluorosis with spinal cord compression. A case report and review. Archives of Internal Medicine 149(3):697-700. Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/16402/
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Hart R, Feelemyer J, Gray C, Lodise T, Patel N, Wymer S, McNutt LA. 2009. Relationship between municipal water fluoridation and preterm birth in Upstate New York. Abstract presented at American Public Health Association, November 7-9. Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/17140/
Harvard Crimson Magazine. 2006. At the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, One Professor’s Flouride Scandal Stinks. September 28.
He H, Cheng Z, Liu W. 1989. Effects of fluorine on the human fetus. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 4(3):136-138, 1989; republished in Fluoride 2008, 41(4):321–326. http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/15080/
Heller KE, Eklund SA, Burt BA. 1997. Dental caries and dental fluorosis at varying water fluoride concentrations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry Summer;57(3):136-143.
Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/16577/
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HHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2011b. Proposed HHS Recommendation for Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water for Prevention of Dental Caries. Federal Register, 76 FR 2383, Notice. January 13. https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2011/01/13/2011-637/proposed-hhs-recommendation-for-fluoride-concentration-in-drinking-water-for-prevention-of-dental#footnote-5
HHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). 2015. Public Health Service Recommendation for Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water for Prevention of Dental Caries. Federal Register, 80 FR 24936, Notice. May 1. http://fluoridealert.org/news/public-health-service-recommendation-for-fluoride-concentration-in-drinking-water-for-prevention-of-dental-caries/
Hileman B. 1988. Some studies indicate that dental fluorosis is increasing. Chemical & Engineering News. http://fluoridealert.org/articles/hileman-sidebar02/
(This was a sidebar article in a larger article titled: Fluoridation of Water: Questions about health risks and benefits remain after more than 40 years, http://fluoridealert.org/articles/hileman/)
Hong L, Levy S, Warren J, Broffitt B, Cavanaugh J. 2006a. Fluoride intake levels in relation to fluorosis development in permanent maxillary central incisors and first molars. Caries Research 40(6):494-500. Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17063020
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Leite GAS, Sawan RMM, Teófilo JM, et al. 2011. Exposure to lead exacerbates dental fluorosis. Archives of Oral Biology Jul;56(7):695-702. http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/15122/
Li Y, Liang C, Slemenda CW, Ji R, et al. 2001. Effect of long-term exposure to fluoride in drinking water on risks of bone fractures. J Bone Miner Res. 16(5):932-9. May.
Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/16397/
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Abstract: http://fluoridealert.org/studytracker/16269/
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