What is the York Review?

The Chief Medical Officer of England’s Department of Health recently called upon the NHS CRD (National Health Service Centre for Reviews and Dissemination) to conduct a systematic review on the safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation – a review which was published in October of 2000. The review is commonly referred to as the “York Review” because the NHS CRD team which did the study is based in the University of York. To access the “York Review” online, see: http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/fluorid.htm


Responses and Critiques


Comprehensive, Peer-Review Critique of York study by Paul Connett, PhD


Synopsis of York Review in the British Medical Journal


NHS CRD Founding Director Summarizes York Review’s Results


British Lord Criticizes Dental Community for Misinforming Public about York Review


Associated Press Report on the York Review


In Response to Paul Wilson and the York Review


Editor of the British Medical Journal on the York Review


A Critique of the York Review’s Handling of Fluoride & Cancer


Advisory Panel Member, Peter Mansfield, on York Review


Open Letter on Review from Dr. Rudolf Ziegelbecker


In Response to Phipps’ Hip Fracture Study


Letter from Liverpool City Councillor on York Review
