The Latest
The TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit wrapped up on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 after a 3 hour hearing featuring interactive closing statements from both parties, with the judge often interjecting to elicit detailed answers on a list of prepared questions about risk assessment.
The judge requested both parties to submit “findings of fact” documents to the court by Friday March 1. We expect a ruling within a few weeks to month after that.
We’re feeling as confident as ever we’ll come out on
Dear Friends,
A major scheduling change occurred at the close of yesterday's proceedings. Closing statements from both the plaintiffs (FAN) and defendants (EPA) will now take place on Tuesday, February 20th at 9:30 a.m. (Pacific) / 12:30 (Eastern). The judge wanted time to watch deposition videos, look over evidence, and prepare a series of key questions for attorneys that he will ask on February 20th. That hearing will also be streamed live for the public on Zoom and will be recorded for futur
Dear Friends,
The trial continues today with cross-examination of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's key expert witness, Dr. David Savitz, at 8:30 a.m. (Pacific) / 11:30 a.m. (Eastern). It will also start at the same time this Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday if attorneys can't complete their work on Tuesday. Click below to watch or listen live:
Watch the Live Stream on Zoom
Webinar ID: 161 991 1861
Dear Friends,
Over the next two days, I'll be sending out summaries of the trial for those who were unable to watch or listen live. Remember, it's being recorded, so eventually we should be able to share the full trial video as well as highlight key moments in future bulletins.
SUMMARY OF DAY ONE (Wednesday, January 31st)
Opening Statement from Plaintiffs
Day one started with opening statements from attorneys. Michael Connett was first up for the plaintiffs ( The Fluoride ActionNetwork, Food &
Compiled by Michael F. Dolan, PhD
Neurotoxicity Report a Great Success For FAN in 2023
The recognition by the National Toxicology Program that fluoride is neurotoxic to the developing brains of children, the outcome of a process that began long ago with Mullenix, et al’s 1994 report on the neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats, and continued with the 2006 National Academies’ report on naturally occurring fluoride in water, was a highpoint of FAN’s campaign to end water fluori
Compiled by Michael F. Dolan, PhD
Visual and Cardiac Developmental Effects Associated with Prenatal Fluoride Exposure
Further investigation of the Canadian Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) cohort has found that prenatal fluoride exposure is associated with poorer visual acuity and heart rate variability (HRV) in 6-month-old infants.
The scientists from several universities across Canada examined markers of both central and peripheral nervous system developm
Alpena, Michigan To End Fluoridation
Citing concerns over compelling residents to take “something they don’t want in their body,” the Alpena, Michigan City Council voted 5-0 to end fluoridation at its December 19 meeting.
“We are required by the government to provide safe and clean drinking water, so I will be on the side of eliminating the fluoride,” said Mayor Matt Waligora, according to a report in The Alpena News December 20.
Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Johnson said she didn’t feel com
– Compiled and edited by Mike Dolan, PhD.
Fundraising Update
Yesterday we raised $1,867 from 21 supporters. This is doubled to $3,734 thanks to the $10,000 doubling pledge made by one of our "super-angels" last Friday. This bring our new total to $25,079 from 124 donors on our way to our year-end goal of $180,000 from 1000 donors.
Thank you so much for the big day yesterday, and remember that the next $8,133 will continued to be doubled!!
If you've found value in our educational, leg
– Compiled and edited by Mike Dolan, PhD.
Fundraising Update
Since Friday, we've raised $1,070 from 13 supporters. Adding in the $1,000 doubling-pledge from our "super-angel," we now have a total of $8,140 from 42 donors. THANK YOU!
Please help FAN continue to share, promote, archive, and generate fluoridation news and research. Your support makes it possible to send out press releases to educate journalists, to have an email database to keep supporters informed, to produce informative v
I am not talking about the star that led the three wise men in the bible but the Windsor Star, which did something on Dec 28 that few papers in North America have done. They gave a prominent warning to pregnant women and bottle-feeding parents, via an interview with Christine Till:
(Click on photo for interview)
This warning came on the brink of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, re-fluoridating its water (they stopped in 2013). In the context of what we now know about the dangers of fluoride to the