Watch the latest FAN-produced videos on fluoride.

Toxicology 101 – Dr. Paul Connett (FAN Conference 2017)

Dr. Paul Connett, former Director of the Fluoride Action Network, presents a detailed overview of fluoride’s toxicology at the 2017 FAN Conference, highlighting the proper way to account for and mitigate the effects of toxic chemicals in the environment.

Fluoride & Thyroid – Stephen Peckham (2017 FAN Conference)

Stephen Peckham (Director, Centre for Health Services Studies – University of Kent) presents a detailed overview of his recent observational study that found an association between fluoridated water and underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism.

Genetic Variability – Rick Woychik, NIEHS Overview (2017 FAN Conference)

Rick Woychik, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences {NIEHS}, gives an overview of the NIEHS highlighting the agency’s new focus on genetic variability and the developmental origins of disease, followed by a lively Q&A session focused on fluoride. This presentation represents the views and opinions of Richard Woychik, Ph.D. No official […]

FAN, Paul Connett React to NIH Fluoride In Utero Study

FAN responds to a new 12 year federally-funded study from the U.S. National Institutes of Health published September 19, 2017 showing fluoride exposure in utero is linked to lower IQ in children:  

Dental Fluorosis On The Rise

Do your teeth, or your child’s teeth have white spots, white streaks, cloudy splotches, brown stains, or pitting? If so, you or your child may be among the millions of Americans who now have a condition called dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel caused by too much fluoride intake during the first […]

Sugar, Fluoride, & Lowered I.Q.

In this short clip, Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network discusses the sugar lobby’s role in shaping oral health policy in the U.S., as well as fluoride’s effect on the developing brain. Links below: UCSF – “Sugar Papers” Reveal Industry Role in 1970s Dental Program:…PLOS – Sugar Industry Influence on the Scientific […]

Citizen Petition Urges EPA To End Water Fluoridation

The Fluoride Action Network along with national environmental and medical health groups delivered a Citizen Petition to the EPA that calls for a nationwide ban on water fluoridation due to the neurotoxicity of fluoride.

Fluoride & The Brain

FAN’s Michael Connett gives a detailed presentation on fluoride’s effect on the the brain at the 2014 FAN Conference.

Dr. Griffin Cole: FDA Should Ban All Fluoride Supplements

In January 2016, the FDA ordered a manufacturer of fluoride “supplements” to immediately cease producing these drugs because they have never been approved as either safe or effective by FDA. Many other companies, however, continue to sell these drugs, and the nation’s largest pharmacies continue to sell them. In this short video, Dr. Griffin Cole explains why the FDA should ban all fluoride supplements from the market. To sign the online petition to FDA, go to: