This video describes the experience of Cathy and Wayne Justus in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. For several years their world class quarter horses experienced incredibly debilitating symptoms for seemingly without an apparent explanation. The local veterinarian tested for every known possible cause, but could not come up with an explanation. Eventually, Dr. Lennart Krook, Professor Emeritus of Cornell University […]
Watch the latest FAN-produced videos on fluoride.
Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation
In this 1998 interview, Dr. John Colquhoun explains why he went from being New Zealand’s leading promoter of fluoridation to being an opponent of the practice.
Fluoride, Politics, and the EPA
This news report, from 1986, describes the politics underlying EPA’s decision to increase the Maximum Contaminant Level for fluoride from 2 ppm to 4 ppm.
Fluoride Risks for Kidney Patients
Kidney disease markedly increases an individual’s susceptibility to fluoride toxicity. The kidneys are responsible for ridding the body of ingested fluoride, and thereby preventing the buildup of toxic levels of fluoride in the body. In healthy adults, the kidneys are able to excrete approximately 50% of an ingested dose of fluoride. However, in adults with […]
Dr. Vyvyan Howard on Fluoride in Drinking Water
Dr. Vyvyan Howard, Past-President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment, explains his concerns about water fluoridation. Dr. Howard is a medical toxico-pathologist who specializes in the impact of toxins on fetal and infant health. In this video, Dr. Howard discusses his concerns about fluoride’s impact on infant health.
An Environmental Professional Speaks Out on Fluoridation
In this video, Brent Foster, the State Conservation Chair for the Oregon Sierra Club, explains why he came to oppose water fluoridation.
Crippling Waters
Fluorosis Bends Rural Gujurat at the Knees
A video from “Video Volunteers” documenting the effects of fluoride contamination in an Indian village. For more information on fluoride poisoning in India, click here.