To sign the petition, click here.To learn more about dental fluorosis, click here.
Watch the latest FAN-produced videos on fluoride.
PSA: Fluoride — The Neurotoxin in Our Water
To sign the petition, click here.To learn more about fluoride’s effects on the brain, click here.
PSA: Fluoride in Water
To sign the petition, click here.
Michael Connett on Fluoride & IQ Studies
Michael Connett of the Fluoride Action Network gives a presentation on the mounting evidence that fluoride reduces IQ in children. The IQ studies are just the “tip of the iceberg” when these animal and non-IQ studies are considered. Research continues to support the idea that fluoride is a neurotoxin. Video from the 2014 Fluoride Action […]
Our Daily Dose
Short 20-minute film on fluoridation by Jeremy Seifert, the award-winning director of “GMO OMG.”
Fluoridation Debate: Paul Connett (FAN Exec Director) vs. Richard Kahn (Past-President of NJ Dental Association)
WPSU Panel Discussion on Water Fluoridation — Featuring Michael Connett
This panel discussion, featuring FAN’s Michael Connett, aired on March 21, 2013. For more information about the program, click here.
Why Seattle Should End Fluoridation: Presentation by Dr. Paul Connett
Paul Connett, PhD, Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, speaking in Seattle at the Town Hall Theater, March 17, 2014, on the health risks of the practice of water fluoridation and the propaganda that keeps this obsolete and foolish practice still in place in many American communities, including Seattle.
The Fluoride Deception: An Interview with Christopher Bryson
An interview with award-winning journalist, Christopher Bryson, about his groundbreaking book The Fluoride Deception.
Announcing the “FAN Study Tracker” — To be released this Wednesday, March 12th
Over the past few months, FAN has been working on two major projects: the “FAN Study Tracker” and the “FAN Doc Tracker.” In this video, Michael Connett explains the features of the Study Tracker, which FAN will be releasing on Wednesday, March 12th. With the FAN Study Tracker, the medical research on fluoride toxicity will […]