Town passes fluoride ordinance on second reading

At the November 19 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Mayor Adam Estenson swore in new officer Jonathan Bartlett. Marshall Keller presented an ordinance for its second reading where the town will revoke fluoride being added to the water system. During the council’s discussion, council member Rachel Hughes said that she talked to her dentist about the […]

Council passes fluoride ordinance on first reading

At the November 5 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at Town Hall, Town Attorney Marshall Keller presented an ordinance for revoking fluoride being added to the water system. During the council’s discussion, Mayor Adam Estenson explained how there is naturally occurring fluoride in the surface water coming to the water treatment plant. He also said […]

Fluoride levels to be reduced in Cheyenne’s drinking water.

CHEYENNE – Supply availability will cause a reduced level of supplemental fluoride in Cheyenne’s drinking water beginning on or around Oct. 24. The Board of Public Utilities’ supplier of granular, pure fluoride is not able to provide its product at this time, nor has a future delivery schedule been received by BOPU staff. Fluoride in […]

Teton County: What’s in your water? There’s a map for that

Teton Conservation District has created drinking water quality maps for nine parameters… Excerpt from the report: Page 6: Fluoride concentrations were available at 305 sampling locations and ranged from 0 to 20.2 mg/L, with the average of all values being 1.19 mg/L. The majority of the locations, however, had internal site average concentrations ranging from […]

Barron: Anti-fluoride activists emulating the anti-vaxxers

CHEYENNE — The vote in May by the Sheridan City Council to discontinue fluoridation of the city’s drinking water reflect a national movement against the additive. An anti-fluoridation group, Fluoride Action Network (FAN) boasts on its website that 245 U.S. communities have rejected fluoridation since 2010. The group claims that fluoridation may reduce liver and […]

Sheridan City Council Votes To Remove Fluoride From Water Supply

The water supply in and around Sheridan no longer contains added fluoride after the city council voted to remove it. Sheridan’s city council voted to stop fluoridating the area water supply after the results of a survey sent out to city water customers revealed that most of the respondents wanted fluoride gone. About 34 percent […]

Sheridan: City Votes to End Fluoridation

At their meeting Monday night, the Sheridan City Council voted unanimously to cease fluoridation of city water and the Sheridan Area Water Supply (SAWS). Councilor Aaron Linden’s motion to cease fluoridation was greeted with applause from the room. The council also voted to amend the resolution to include the survey results. Jim Schellenberger, manager of […]

Sheridan City Council Votes to End Fluoridation

SHERIDAN, WY— Fluoride will no longer be added into the City of Sheridan’s water supply. At the Sheridan City Council meeting on Monday night, council members voted to end fluoridation of City of Sheridan and SAWS water supply within 24-hours of the vote. Council was presented with results that were tabulated from a survey that […]

Sheridan: Fluoride Survey Results to Be Presented to Council

In March, the City of Sheridan mailed out approximately 12,400 surveys to residents regarding the continuation of fluoridating the water for City of Sheridan, Sheridan Area Water Supply, and Downer Neighborhood Improvement and Service District customers. Sheridan Mayor Roger Miller says that the results of the survey will be presented to the Council at their […]