Thermal degradation of polyvinylidene fluoride and polyvinyl fluoride by oven pyrolysis.

Excerpts TECHNICAL REPORT 69-7-C14 THERMAL DEGRADATION OF POLYVINYLIDENE FLUORIDE AND POLYVINYL FLUORIDE BY OVEN PYROLYSIS by John T. Stapler William J. Barnes William E. C. Yelland Materials Research Division Project Reference IT024401A329 Series: C&W4-50 July 1968 Clothing and Organic Materials Laboratory U. S. ARMY NATICK LABORATORIES Natick, Massachusetts 01760 FOREWORD This report is based on […]

Fluorides for Adults

Virtually all U.S. dentists now agree that the best way to prevent tooth decay is to fluoridate water supplies so that children get the benefits from the time their tooth buds begin to form—only a few weeks after conception. Failing that, many dentists paint stronger fluoride solutions on children’s teeth once or twice a year. […]

Fluoridated Water Criticized as Socialized Medicine

“Many people, particularly scientists, believe that we are suffering in the U.S. from a national epidemic of irrationality—what Senator J.W. Fulbright of Arkansas has called the ‘swinish blight of anti-intellectualism.’ Fluoridation of public water supplies has been recommended by an impressive list of scientific organizations. However, from the beginning there has been opposition. The anti-fluoridation […]

Fluoridated Water Criticized as Socialized Medicine

“Many people, particularly scientists, believe that we are suffering in the U.S. from a national epidemic of irrationality—what Senator J.W. Fulbright of Arkansas has called the ‘swinish blight of anti-intellectualism.’ Fluoridation of public water supplies has been recommended by an impressive list of scientific organizations. However, from the beginning there has been opposition. The anti-fluoridation […]

Methods of Removing Fluorides from Water.

*Original online at Excerpts: FLUORIDE REMOVAL METHODS The methods utilizing the fluoride exchange properties of the apatites, such as those involving the use of the constituents of bone, the ion exchange principle, and those depending on the sorptive properties of aluminum compounds, appear to show the most promise for removing excess fluorides from water. […]

The removal of fluorides from water by sand Filtration

Letter Since it has been established that the dental disease in man known as “mottled enamel” is due to the drinking of water containing fluorine, the removal of fluorides by filtration has become an important problem. I have found that a contact filter 15 cm high, made of river sand passing a screen 60 to […]