Spectrophotometric determination of fluosilicic acid in hydrofluoric acid

Abstract: A procedure is reported for the spectrophotometric determination of fluosilicic acid in commercial hydrofluoric acid. The determination of silicon as (?)a-silicomolybdic acid is carried out directly without previous separation of hydrofluoric acid. Title of Study: Studies in the spectrophotometric determination of silicon in materials decomposed by hydrofluoric acid: Spectrophotometric determination of fluosilicic acid in […]

Fluoridated Water Criticized as Socialized Medicine

“Many people, particularly scientists, believe that we are suffering in the U.S. from a national epidemic of irrationality—what Senator J.W. Fulbright of Arkansas has called the ‘swinish blight of anti-intellectualism.’ Fluoridation of public water supplies has been recommended by an impressive list of scientific organizations. However, from the beginning there has been opposition. The anti-fluoridation […]

Fluoridated Water Criticized as Socialized Medicine

“Many people, particularly scientists, believe that we are suffering in the U.S. from a national epidemic of irrationality—what Senator J.W. Fulbright of Arkansas has called the ‘swinish blight of anti-intellectualism.’ Fluoridation of public water supplies has been recommended by an impressive list of scientific organizations. However, from the beginning there has been opposition. The anti-fluoridation […]

Fluoride adsorption by clay minerals and hydrated alumina

Extract In the course of some studies on the effects of anions on the viscosities of clay suspensions, it was observed that anions such as pyro- and metaphosphate, oxalate and fluoride were much more effective in reducing the viscosity of kaolih suspensions than were chloride and nitrate. There is relatively little information available regarding the […]

The Fluorspar Industry in the Soviet Bloc. A 1952 Economic Intelligence report.

Economic Intelligence Report CIA/RR4 Central Intelligence Research and Reports Sanitized Copy for Release May 20, 1952 Report online at http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/cia-report.fluorspar-in-soviet-bloc.may20.1952.ocr_.pdf I. Introduction 1. General Description 2. Uses and Specifications — a. Metallurgical Grade — b. Ceramic Grade — c. Acid Grade [Note: detailed descriptions of the location of mines in each of these countries] II. […]

New York’s Fluoridation Control

According to the March, 1951, issue of the New York State Health News, the New York State Department of Health has recommended that cities and villages fluoridate their potable water supplies; subject however to the ability of the municipalities to provide adequate control measures in accordance with requirements set forth by the department. A digest […]

Lewiston’s dental achievement

Lewiston has made great strides in improving the dental health of the city’s children through fluoridation of the water supply during the last three years. Results of tests started in June 1947, were released Monday by the city engineer’s office, which conducted the work with the aid of the United States public health service, the […]

Methods of Removing Fluorides from Water.

*Original online at http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/maier-1947.pdf Excerpts: FLUORIDE REMOVAL METHODS The methods utilizing the fluoride exchange properties of the apatites, such as those involving the use of the constituents of bone, the ion exchange principle, and those depending on the sorptive properties of aluminum compounds, appear to show the most promise for removing excess fluorides from water. […]