LIVE TONIGHT: Moose Jaw. New Fluoridation System Coming in 2020

As part of the ongoing upgrades at the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant, City Council is set to discuss the construction of a new Fluoridation System. As City Council continues with 2020 budget deliberations, it’s been recommended by the Department of Engineering Services to increase the 2020 capital budget for the new system to $2,300,000. […]

Ontario dental program to help about 20,000 seniors in Algoma region

SAULT STE. MARIE – A province-wide dental program for low-income seniors is expected to help about 20,000 in the Algoma region. “We’ve been receiving telephone calls from seniors for a number of years now requesting some type of service for dental and for their oral health, and so we’re really happy to see that finally […]

Do you need to worry about fluoride during pregnancy?

It’s in your toothpaste and mouthwash, and there’s a good chance you’re drinking it, too. But recent research says certain levels of fluoride might not be safe for babies in utero. Here’s what you need to know. If you are pregnant or hoping to become pregnant, you’re likely more aware of what’s going into your […]

Does water fluoridation really damage your children’s IQ?

A recent study showed that community water fluoridation was associated with lower IQ scores in young children. Opponents of water fluoridation jumped on the study, claiming that it confirms the dangers of fluoride on the developing brain. Since then, a number of critics have pointed out that the differences in IQ scores were small and […]

Maternal Fluoride and IQ – The Scientific Community Pushes Back

A follow-up on a questionable study of the impact on water fluoridation and IQ. Science marches on, and we’re helping it out! This past August (2019), a prospective cohort study by Green et al. was published in JAMA Pediatrics, a well-respected, high impact medical journal, entitled “Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ […]

Spirited debate but no decision on flouride at Calgary city council

Calgarians attending the hearing in the Council Chamber listen as different sides debate about bringing fluoride back into water. Photo by Andrea Wong The room was divided during Tuesday’s public hearing as city councillors listened to opposing sides of a possible decision to add fluoride into Calgary’s drinking water once again. Water fluoridation has been […]

‘Children are suffering’ as Calgary’s 60+ year fluoride debate drags on, bioethicist says

Calgary removed fluoride from its drinking water in 2011 Calgary’s never-ending fluoridation debate played out again at city hall on Tuesday, but if you’re reading this looking for a resolution on the issue, you can stop now — there wasn’t one. Earlier this year, city council asked the O’Brien Institute of Public Health at the University […]

Fluoride in water fight gets heated at city hall in Calgary

The often contentious debate over putting fluoride back in Calgary’s drinking water was once again before city council on Tuesday. Council reviewed the requested new report from the University of Calgary’s O’Brien Institute for Public Health on all evidence — both pro and con — on water fluoridation, while also inviting the public to speak […]