It’s estimated that nearly every major city in the United States has fluoridated drinking water. And that has state Assemblywoman Chris Giunchigliani wondering why Las Vegas hasn’t joined the rank and file. Fluoridation is, after all, touted by the American Dental Association and 71 other national and international professional organizations as being the most effective […]
News Archive
Welcome to the Fluoride Action Network News Archive. The FAN News Archive serves as an historical repository for fluoride news stories, positive or negative. Since FAN catalogs all news stories on fluoride, our news section remains a reliable database of all published fluoride news.
Our news database is categorized by country, state/province, and industry. This collection of articles is constantly being updated with the most recent global news on fluoride-related issues and events.
Meat Produced by Advanced Meat/Bone Separation Machinery and Recovery Systems
SUMMARY: In 1994, the Food Safety and Inspection Service amended its regulations to recognize that product resulting from advanced meat/bone separation machinery and recovery systems comes within the definition of meat when these recovery systems are operated to ensure that the characteristics and composition of the resulting product are consistent with those of meat. The […]
Corpus Christi: Sierra Club requests criminal investigation of CITGO Refining’s May 12th accident
Excerpt: SIERRA CLUB P. O. Box 1931 Austin, TX 78767 June 26, 1997 The Honorable Jane Saginaw Regional Administrator, Region VI United States Environmental Protection Agency 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75202-2733 Fax 214-665-6648 Re: Criminal investigation requested of CITGO Refining’s May 12th accident at Corpus Christi, Texas due to toxic hydrofluoric acid […]
Toothpaste warning labels concern parents
Last month, as 8-year-old Molly Statt stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth, something on the back of the tube of Crest caught her attention. She stopped brushing. Looking up at her father standing beside her, she asked, “Is this poison?” “Of course not,” Paul Statt reassured his daughter. “Then why does it say ‘poison’ […]
Toothpaste: How Safe?
Last month, as 8-year-old Molly Statt stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth, something on the back of the large-size tube of Crest caught her attention. She stopped brushing. Looking up at her father standing beside her, she motioned to the toothpaste and asked, “Is this poison?” “Of course not,” Paul Statt reassured his daughter. […]
Corpus Christi: CITGO findings disputed
The Texas Sierra Club on Friday disputed the findings of a CITGO-hired botanist who said that toxic gas did not escape into the neighborhoods after the May 12 refinery explosion because vegetation in the area wasn’t damaged. Neil Carman, the Sierra Club’s clean air program director, said he found lots of brown plants. After hearing […]
Scientists Urge Governor Whitman to Take Action to Fluoridate all New Jersey Water Supply
New York, NY, April 9, 1997 — Scientists and physicians from the American Council on Science and Health have urged New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman to vigorously promote community water fluoridation in New Jersey. “Fluoridation remains the safest, most effective, and most economic public-health measure to prevent tooth decay and to improve oral health […]
Fluoridation: A Triumph of Science Over Propaganda
Community water fluoridation (herein called simply “fluoridation”) is the precise adjustment of the concentration of the essential trace element fluoride in the public water supply to protect teeth and bones. In 1945 Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first city in the world to fluoridate its public water supply. Since then, communities throughout the United States […]
Feds Probe Steel Plants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the FBI are investigating possible criminal violations of pollution regulations at three local Allegheny Ludlum Corp. plants and facilities in Connecticut and Indiana. The grand jury investigation, which began last fall, involves allegations that the company failed to report violations of the Clean Water Act or filed incomplete and […]
Giunchigliani pushes fluoridation
CARSON CITY — Since 1989, the Governor’s Maternal and Child Health Advisory Board has pushed the idea that Nevada’s water supplies be fluoridated to prevent tooth decay, especially in children. Now the board has an ally in Assemblywoman Chris Giunchigliani, D-Las Vegas, who will sponsor a bill in the 1997 Legislature requiring fluoridation in all […]