SINN FÉIN IS gathering in Wexford this weekend for the party’s annual Ard Fheis where delegates will hear from senior party figures and ordinary members over the next two days.

As well as a copy of the 1916 Proclamation and a helpful glossary of Irish terms translated into English, the clár or agenda for the event includes some 176 motions that delegates will debate and vote on between now and Saturday night when president Gerry Adams will give his keynote address.

Among the motions are calls for the continued opposition to and eventual ending of austerity, calls for a united Ireland and pursuing a 32-county strategy on many policies.

We’ve picked out a few motions that have caught our eye and will be considered this weekend: …

8. No more fluoride

It wouldn’t be a party conference if there wasn’t a debate on the merits of fluoride. Motion 83 states that there are “no longer any public health reasons to continue water fluoridation” and calls for the repeal of legislation which gave effect to this. Unlike with other parties, this motion is backed by Sinn Féin’s parliamentary members in the 26 counties, no surprise given it recently introduced a bill in the Dáil which would have repealed the Fluoridation of Water Supplies Bill. The government rejected it…