… “Our aim was to identify technological advances, environmental changes, novel ecological interactions and changes in society that could have substantial impacts on the conservation of biological diversity […] whether beneficial or detrimental,” the authors write in the paper. Experts originally came up with 71 possible issues and then whittled it down to the 15 most important—and least known…
THE ISSUES (in alphabetic order)
… Greenhouse gases: Nitrogen triflouride and Sulfuryl fluoride: Nitrogen trifluoride, a by-product of manufacturing plasma screens, and Sulfuryl fluoride a crop fumigant to preserve produce are two rising, and incredibly potent, greenhouse gases. Sulfuryl fluoride is 4,780 times more potent than carbon while Nitrogen trifluoride is estimated to be 17,000 times more potent than carbon, both estimated over 100 year timeframe.
The issues on the list:
• Acid rain from nitrogen
• Biodiversity loss denial
• Climate agreement uncertainty
• Dairy consumption in Asia
• Earthworm invasion
• Genetic modifications to mosquitoes
• Greenhouse gases: Nitrogen triflouride and Sulfuryl fluoride
• Hydraulic fracturing
• Lithium mining
• Ocean domestication
• Perfluorinated compounds
• Productivity in the Arctic
• Rinderpest (cattle disease)
• Soil questions
• Undercutting parks
*Read the full article online at https://news.mongabay.com/2011/03/15-conservation-issues-to-watch/