Registrations are closed

On Saturday, April 9, the Fluoridation Spokesperson Training will be held in Albany in the NYSDA offices. The training will take place from 9:00AM-3:00PM. Please arrive at 8:45 for sign-in and so we can begin promptly at 9:00.

Instructors for the course are Meg Atwood, RDH, MPS, Associate Professor in the Department of Dental Hygiene at Orange County Community College, Matt Jacob, BA, of the Children’s Dental Health Project in Washington, DC, and Jane McGinley, RDH, MBA, Manager of Fluoridation and Preventive Health Activities Council on Access and Prevention and Interprofessional Relations for the American Dental Association.

Dentists, registered dental hygienists, and others with a vested interested in maintaining community water fluoridation will learn how to be effective spokespersons for it. The training will prepare future spokespersons to use “kitchen-table” language to discuss fluoridation and on how to respond to tough or hostile questions from media, the general public, legislators, etc., giving them the ability to dispel common misconceptions about fluoridation. Additionally, Jane McGinley will provide participants with insight on what other cities are doing throughout the country– their successes and defeats.

Giving the current climate and HHS’s recent recommendation to lower the amount of fluoride in the water supply to 0.7 parts per million, this training may be especially important.

In addition to the in-person training, you will be sent a link to a pre-recorded webinar on the science and myths behind fluoridation created by Erin Knoerl, MPH, of New York State’s Bureau of Child Health.

Dental professionals will receive 6 CE lecture credits from the training.

Dentists, registered dental hygienists, water system representatives, pediatricians, other medical professionals, local health departments, and individuals with a vested interest in maintaining and expanding community water fluoridation throughout the state are welcome to attend.

Sponsored by:
New York State Dental Foundation
20 Corporate Woods Blvd., Suite 602
Albany, NY 12211

Made possible through a grant from the NYS Department of Health, the Health Research Institute, and the Health Resources and Services Administration.

Please contact Mercedes Susi with any questions:

When Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (EDT) – Add to Calendar Where New York State Dental Association Headquarters – 20 Corporate Woods Boulevard, Suite 602, Albany, New York 12211 – View Map