In the state of Georgia, there is a state mandate to add fluoride to the water. There is also a growing number of citizens who have learned the truth about water fluoridation and are taking action.

There are two requirements to overcome the mandate:

1) a petition signed by 10% of registered voters

2) a referendum in which citizens vote to end fluoride.

Fayette County’s Board of Commissioners has passed a resolution to request that the state legislature remove the burden of the first step, the petition, so that the citizens can simply decide for themselves if they want fluoride in their water. That was a wonderful act, but activists in Fayette County choose not to wait and see if the state will consider this request.

Dr. King’s birthday, celebrated as a holiday on Monday, January 19th this year, is considered by many people to be A Day of Service. Anti-fluoride activists are seeking help from all quarters to get petition signatures, and hope to make great gains on Dr. King’s birthday. Approximately 8,500 signatures will be required. Please spread the word. Fayette County is 20 miles south of Atlanta.

To help with this effort, please contact Mike or Jade at:

Facebook: End Fluoridation Georgia
