From dental public email list
Good Morning!
My name is Chris Matta and on behalf of the American Dental Association’s Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention, please review the following request:
As a valued partner and honorary champion of oral health, and on behalf of our 162,000 members, the American Dental Association (ADA) appreciates the American Association for Community Dental Programs’ support of Community Water Fluoridation!
Please complete this 10-minute survey <> by COB Friday, July 22, 2022, to allow us to better assess current support, policy statements, and updated contact information. By completing this survey, your organization will help the ADA continue the discussion, ongoing efforts, and collaboration of more than 75 years of community water fluoridation as a significant, safe, and equitable public health accomplishment.
If you are not the designated individual to receive or complete this survey, please respond to this email by providing the correct contact information. In addition, if you anticipate you will not be able to complete the survey by the outlined timeline above, we request your communication and feedback.
As Senior Director of the Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention, I would like to introduce two new team members who will be supporting this collaborative effort:
1. Mr. Matt Zaborowski, MPH, CPH, Manager, Preventive Health Activities, will be leading our organizational and national efforts on fluoridation, including the development of a Community Water Fluoridation Compendium.
2. Dr. Elizabeth Lense, DDS, MSHA, Manager, Health Equity & Prevention, will be responsible for the National Fluoridation Advisory Council (NFAC) and in coordination with ADA members and other professional stakeholders to lead state, local, and community efforts.
The ADA strongly supports the promotion of community water fluoridation as an essential cost-effective and safe avenue to reduce dental caries. Healthy People 2030 continues to emphasize the need to promote prevention through access to safe optimally fluoridated drinking water which remains a cornerstone of public health. This survey and your participation will advance efforts of health equity and health care integration.
Your completion of the attached survey allows the ADA to begin to contemporize our Community Water Fluoridation Compendium, a document that will be referenced and utilized at the national and state level to show significant support for the prioritization of oral health and prevention. The information collected will support our ongoing efforts. We anticipate further communications on how the Community Water
Fluoridation Compendium will be developed in the coming months.
By supporting the ADA in developing the next Community Water Fluoridation Compendium, we strive to facilitate an opportunity for national health leaders to work collaboratively in communicating the value of oral health. This can only be done through positive and timely collective influence with policymakers and government officials in gathering support to install and sustain community water fluoridation.
Again, we respectfully ask for your continued support of this critical public health practice in our compendium by showing your organizational support.
The time has never been more important to further our collective effort, promote health equity, and foster collaboration to support prevention!
If you have any questions concerning the compendium development, please e-mail