ALBUQUERQUE, MAY 18 –  The Water Authority’s governing board tonight voted 4-2 to remove proposed funding for supplemental drinking water fluoridation from the utility’s FY 2017 budget.

Some $250,000 had originally been budgeted for the installation of fluoridation equipment, with another $250,000 slated for annual operations and maintenance.

The Board’s decision means that the utility will not resume supplemental fluoridation, a practice it stopped in 2011 pending issuance of updated guidelines from the federal government. Fluoride occurs naturally in Albuquerque’s drinking water at about 0.5 parts per million; the federal recommended optimal level is 0.7 parts per million, per guidelines issued in late 2015.

The rest of the budget was approved.  It includes an additional $8 million for capital projects,  with no rate increase, and virtually no change to operating expenses compared to last year.


According to a Fluoridation Update (Posted April 15, 2016) on the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority website: