DEAR READERS: The possibility of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. overseeing the nation’s health under the Trump administration caused a media stir, as did his stated intention to get fluoride removed from drinking water.

I agree with him on removing sodium fluoride — an upcycled industrial byproduct — from drinking water, so long as children brush their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste. Alternative sources for fluoride include foods like oatmeal, potatoes and raisins. This beneficial trace mineral can be toxic in excess, like sodium, selenium and potassium. (See Studies on the subject are not considered definitive, but excess fluoride intake might be associated with bone cancer (

I recommend removing fluoride from drinking water for our own health and for that of our animal companions. For details, see my post here: In 2009, the Environmental Working Group posted a study of the fluoride content in 10 brands of manufactured dog foods. Eight brands had levels that could put dogs at risk from developing bone cancer, thyroid disease and other health problems. (See

I have closely followed Kennedy’s postings on health issues for several years, and initially, I found them to be science-based, well-reasoned and often supported by reference citations. But more recently, I find many of his posted opinions unsubstantiated and extremist — possibly out of frustration with the lack of progress in preventive medicine.

Even so, I have voiced concerns about some of the same issues Kennedy has raised. For example, I agree with his broad statement, which he has made in many interviews, that “Our kids are swimming around in a toxic soup.” He often lists various elements of that “soup,” such as glyphosate (the chemical in Roundup), neonicotinoid pesticides, atrazine and other herbicides, PFAS (forever chemicals), high-fructose corn syrup, fluoride, radiation from cellphones and Wi-Fi, and others. But I assure readers that I am not an antivaccination zealot! All pups, and children, need core vaccinations.

Progress in public health calls for pure water, clean air, better waste management, pollution prevention (including electropollution) and health care education. Healthful diets — from a food production system not dependent on pesticides and pharmaceuticals to enhance animal productivity under the stressful, inhumane conditions of factory farms — are imperative. These issues, and what we can all do about them, are detailed in my forthcoming book, “One Health: Veterinary, Ethical and Environmental Perspectives.”

I wish Kennedy well in his still-undetermined role in the Trump administration. I hope he can recapture the clarity and vision of his earlier advocacy and become a staunch advocate of One Health.


According to a report in Nature, feeding babies born by cesarean section milk containing a suspension of their mothers’ feces can boost their gut microbiomes. Babies typically receive bacteria from their mother during birth, but delivery method may affect this transfer. Babies lacking a healthful diversity of beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms in their digestive systems may be developmentally and immunologically impaired if not provided with microbiome restorative therapy. (See

A UK study of the microbes found in fecal samples from over 1,200 newborn babies revealed three different types of “pioneer” bacteria responsible for colonizing the neonatal gut. Two of them were types of Bifidobacteria, which help babies digest milk. But the third type was the harmful Enterococcus faecalis, and it was more likely to be found in babies whose mothers were given antibiotics in labor. (See the study “Primary succession of Bifidobacteria drives pathogen resistance in neonatal microbiota assembly” by Yan Shao et al., published in Nature Microbiology, 2024.)

I find all this a stunning confirmation of the risks of antibiotics, which should only be given in conjunction with probiotics and prebiotics, and only when there have been lapses in access to proper care, hygiene and nutrition. The CDC reported that in 2022, 236.4 million antibiotic prescriptions were written in the U.S., which equates to roughly 709 prescriptions per 1,000 people. According to The Lancet, in 2021, 4.7 million deaths were associated with bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with 1.1 million of those deaths directly attributable to AMR.

An analogy can be found in agriculture: Once the microbiomes in our soils are restored, organic farming and regenerative agriculture become highly profitable, and chemical fertilizers and pesticides will no longer be needed (at least not to the degree documented today). Similarly, the keystone of our own health lies in restoring the gut microbiome.

Gut dysbiosis — an unhealthy intestinal microbiome — can be associated with allergies, autoimmune diseases, depression and other maladies. These “diseases of civilization,” as I call them, are generating billions of dollars of remedial pharmaceutical sales for drug companies. Governments around the world are bending to the demand for continued antibiotic use by the factory farm sector.

Simply giving free meals to children at school will not suffice. Educating them about the benefits of caring for their own microbiomes, through knowing how to select and prepare the right foods, is long overdue. Nutritional scientists, physicians and other health care experts not aligned with the processed and fast-food industries (and derivative pet food industries) will all agree with the above assertions.

(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.

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