A petition recommending the City of Sheridan not add flouride to the drinking water supply has garnered 250 signatures in one week, according to Clean Water Sheridan founder, Heather White.

She’s simply a concerned mom who says she believes it should be up to the individual to control their water or fluoride intake. And she’s made the personal choice to cut fluoride out of the equation for her family, including her son with developmental difficulties.

When she says heavy metals and arsenic, she’s talking about the source for most of the country’s fluoride for the water supply – industry. White says there are just too many unanswered questions, too many potential risks and no discernible benefits. Let alone the fact the City is working with a tight budget this year and they’d have to pay to add it to the water.

Proponents of fluoride in the municipal water supply, including the Centers for Disease Control, say it prevents tooth decay and cavities. But White says so do good oral hygiene and healthy eating habits.

If you’d like to sign the petition, it’s available at the Good Health Emporium and Bagels & Beyond in Sheridan. Or, White says you can print out the petition at www.cleanwatersheridan.wordpress… and gather your own set of signatures.