Ursula E. Bauer, PhD, MPH, Director of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recently announced that Mr. Casey Hannan has agreed to serve as Acting Director, Division of Oral Health, beginning on April 18th.

Casey Hannan currently serves as the Chief of the Arthritis, Epilepsy, and Well-Being Branch where he directs CDC’s national public health programs that address diseases that profoundly affect people’s quality of life: arthritis, epilepsy, and lupus.

Prior to coming to the Division of Population Health (DPH), Mr. Hannan served as the Associate Director of Policy, Partnerships, and Communications in CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO). In this position, he led division efforts on legislative and public health policy analysis, external relations and strategic partnerships, health communication, social marketing, and issues management. He was also responsible for providing expertise and guidance regarding public health practice and interventions to address obesity and other chronic diseases, as well as directing, implementing and evaluating policy and program strategies to achieve public health impact.

Prior to his position as Associate Director for Policy, Mr. Hannan served for more than a year as the Acting Chief of the Program Development and Evaluation Branch in DNPAO. In this position, Mr. Hannan provided leadership for the division to develop program and evaluation models, and coordinated and delivered guidance, technical support and consultation to address programmatic, research, and surveillance activities. He was also responsible for providing expertise and guidance regarding public health practice and interventions to address obesity and other chronic diseases, as well as directing and implementing program evaluation strategies to measure public health impact.

Since coming to CDC in 1996, Mr. Hannan has received two DHHS Secretary’s Awards for Distinguished Service for developing national health objectives and health communication materials, and three Special Act of Service Awards related to his accomplishments in accountability measures, strategic planning, and national leadership conferences.

Mr. Hannan is a 29-year veteran of the public health workforce and has worked in community-based, medical center, university, and government settings.  He holds a Master in Public Health degree from the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan and a bachelor of science degree in health sciences from California State University, Long Beach.