The Arkansas State Dental Association today issued its first “Call to Action” urging dentists to contact their state representative immediately to oppose HB1355 by Rep. Jack Ladyman (R-Jonesboro) and other members of the House and Senate.

As stated in the ASDA Legislative Briefs dated February 16 HB1355 is designed to negate Act 197 of 2011, the community water fluoridation act that requires all water systems serving more than 5,000 persons to maintain a fluoride content established by the state health department. HB1355 would instead “provide local control over fluoride levels in water systems,” which in effect would allow municipalities or local governing boards to decide locally that the desired amount of optimal fluoride is zero. In other words, the bill does not challenge the science of fluoridation. Instead, it would provide “local control” to determine how much fluoride, if any, should be added to the water supply.

This bill was passed by the  House Public Health, Welfare and Labor (PHWL) Committee with the minimum number of votes on Tuesday, and is now on the calendar to be heard by the entire House of Representatives.

All dentists, staff members and concerned parties are encouraged to contact their state representative immediately to tell them to “vote NO to HB1355.” Persons who are not sure who their representative is can get help by visiting, enter the complete home address in the Find My Representative box. Follow the link to the representatives profile page, and click on their e-mail address.  Otherwise, the House provides a constituent line at 501-682-6211.

A copy of the bill can be downloaded at

As always, ASDA members are welcome to call the ASDA office at 501-834-7650.