Water Ministry in collaboration with 02 and B company has donated a water treatment plant to residents of Lemanda village in Oldonyo Sambu ward, Arumeru district.
Speaking at a function to install the plant held at Oldonyo Sambu primary school, Arusha disgrict executive director, Dr Wilson Mahera said the plant has been tested by professional engineers from the company headquarters in China.
He said the plant has been purchased by the ghovernment through the ministry of water. He said plant known as ‘Capacity of Dionization System (CDI)’, has the capacity to reduce fluoride in water.
“Apart from reducing fluoride in water, the plant can also purify salted water to drinking water quality using modern water treatment technology. With this plant, citizens are going to drink clean and safe water”, said Dr Mahera.
He said the plant hasd the csapacity to reduce fluoride in water from 18.7 milligrams to 0.37 milligrams.
Oldonyo Sambu ward councilor, Raymont Lairumbe thanked the govenment forproviding them with the water treatment plant as the residents were exposed tohighfluoride drinking water.
Speakng on behalf of the villagers, Lemanda village executive officer, Gaspar Mollel said: “Our people were using unsdafe water for domestic activities. We are now happy that ourpeoplewillno longer be exposred tohealth risks dur to consmption of unsafe water.
Water laboratory technician, Jovitus Kichumu said that the amount of fluoride in the water is 18.7 milligrams, which is not suitable for domestic consumption. He said that with the plant, the fluroide levels in the water will be reduced to 0,.37 milligrams
According to Water aMinister, Prof Makame Mbarawa, the government aims at ensuring availability of clean and safe waster to its poeple by 2020. He said the ruling party’s maifesto requires that 95 percent of urban residents and 75 percent in rural areas be connected with clean and safe water services by 2020.
*Original article online at https://www.ippmedia.com/en/news/arumeru-residents-get-water-treatment-plant