Ambae volcano and Lake Voui on 21 April 2018, Ambae Island, Vanuatu. The lake has been split into two due to the growth of the new volcanic cone. The visible landscape is covered with thick ash deposits. The dead trees in the lower right were killed over a decade ago during another eruptive episode. Photo credit: Natalia Deligne.

Ambae volcano (another name for Manaro Voui) and its crater lake, Lake Voui last month. The lake has been split into two due to the growth of the new volcanic cone. The visible landscape is covered with thick ash deposits. Photo: Natalia Deligne

Ash fall and acid rain on Ambae has damaged trees and buried crops both for human and animal consumption, as well as making water undrinkable over a long period due to high levels of fluoride found in ash. Ambae residents mostly rely on their own water supplies, such as tanks. Roofs and buildings …

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