City Council’s Citizen Communications period – when speakers address council for three minutes on a topic of their choice – is a hotbed of anti-fluoridation activists who say that the fluoridation of Austin’s tap water fails to provide health benefits and may be harmful, especially to infants (see “Unstable Element,” Nov. 27, 2009). Now they’ve enlisted some big (water) guns in their fight. At noon, Thursday, Nov. 4, Fluoride Action Network nationwide Director Paul Connett will address council on the supposed ills of the additive. It’s part of a multistop swing through Austin Nov. 4-9 in support of his new co-authored book, The Case Against Fluoride. “If you picked up a book that described a government plan to put a hazardous industrial waste product in the public water supply to deliver a topical medical treatment … you might well think you had picked up a science-fiction novel,” reads the book’s introduction. Fiction or fact? Depends who you trust. Panel discussions: Thu., 7pm, UT Thompson Conference Center; Tue., 7pm, Huston-Tillotson University, King-Seabrook Chapel. Book signings: Friday, 4pm, Borders Books (3309 Esperanza Crossing); Saturday, 2pm, Casa de Luz; Saturday, 7pm, Brave New Books. See
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Austin: Downside of Fluoride?