FLUORIDE campaigner Marg Bollinger says she’s sceptical about Cabonne Council’s claims Molong residents will have fluoride in their water within the next 18 months.
Mrs Bollinger said despite Cabonne Council announcing designs for a fluoridation plant had been completed, she had concerns about how long it would take for it to become operational.
“It feels like we were at this stage two years ago so I’ll believe it when it happens,” she said.
“I’ve heard it all before, it’s been a very long road trying to get this to happen.
“I don’t understand why it’s taken so long.”
However, Cabonne Council spokesman Dale Jones said the construction process was on track and the plant was expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
“NSW Health has confirmed it will provide grant funding to cover the full cost of the implementation, including the design and construction of the plant,” he said.
Mr Jones said Cabonne Council had also been undertaking a refurbishment and upgrade of the Molong water treatment plant and, although the fluoridation plant would be a separate project, it was essential for this upgrade to be completed before fluoridation can begin.
“The water plant upgrade started about a year ago and, to avoid disruptions to residents’ supplies, is being undertaken in stages during winter when water demand is low. Construction will recommence next month and should be completed within the next year,” he said.
The upgrades are part of the council’s water quality assurance program to ensure 100 per cent compliance with Australian drinking water guidelines.