Black salt is a popular ingredient that is acclaimed for both its health benefits and its unique flavor and aroma. Available in many supermarkets and health food stores, it is widely used in Indian cuisine and is also used in vegan dishes, primarily as an egg substitute. However, like all other types of salt, including regular table salt, black salt is high in sodium and should be consumed in moderation for a balanced diet. Through Dr. Ax, the health benefits (as well as the risks) of black salt, and how it compares to normal table salt, are discussed here: Is it different from the regular table?

Salt: A difference between black salt and common table salt is how each is manufactured and produced. Black salt is traditionally mined from the regions surrounding the Himalayas, producing Himalayan pink salt. It is then combined with other spices, herbs, and seasonings before heating to very high temperatures. Today, many manufacturers mix compounds like sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, and ferric sulfate with charcoal (which gives a darker shade) to create synthetic black salt. Black salt is different from pink salt not only in color, but also in its salty and spicy flavor and aroma.

Regular table salt, on the other hand, is generally mined from large deposits of rock salt before being processed and refined, stripping it of most of its trace minerals. Although it can be used as a substitute for black salt, it has a less complex flavor profile and may slightly alter the flavor of some dishes.

In terms of nutrition, black salt generally has slightly less sodium compared to table salt. Table salt is generally iodized, and iodine is added to protect against deficiency. Both salts differ even in price. While a single ounce of black salt costs a dollar or more depending on the retailer, 1 or 2 pounds of regular table salt can often be purchased for less than a dollar at many supermarkets.

Health benefits

Compared to other types of salt, black salt is less processed and contains only small amounts of harmful additives or preservatives. Regular table salt, for example, contains anti-caking agents and other questionable ingredients. Black salt is a good salt alternative for those looking to reduce their sodium intake. Reducing sodium intake in one study has been shown to help lower blood pressure levels. Conversely, excessive salt intake is linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer and increased bone loss. Some claim that black salt may be rich in iron and other important minerals. However, there is limited evidence to suggest whether or not it contains higher amounts of these key minerals. Also, it is unclear how beneficial the mineral content of salt can be, as research has shown that the minerals in salt are difficult for the body to absorb and that only small amounts can be consumed at a time. medicine, mainly to improve digestion, improve skin and hair health, increase weight loss and reduce acid intake. Still, more research is needed to assess if it’s really beneficial for these conditions.

Risks and Side Effects

Although it is lower in sodium content and less processed than normal table salt, there is little research to support many of the other purported benefits of black salt. Like all other types of salt, black salt should be consumed in moderation. It is also important to remember that table salt is generally iodized, with added iodine to prevent deficiency. Iodine itself plays a key role in thyroid function, fetal development, and brain health. Black salt, by contrast, lacks added iodine, so the consumption of various foods rich in iodine is essential. Some research has shown that the fluoride found in black salt can cause dental fluorosis, which is characterized by changes in tooth enamel as a result of excessive fluoride consumption. It is for this reason that children, in particular, should moderate the consumption of black salt to promote normal enamel formation.

*Original article titled Is it better than normal table salt? online at