
The Mayor and Council of the City of Blair, Nebraska, met in regular session in the City Council Chambers on April 23, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. … approved the following…

Council awarded the bid for chemicals for the Water Treatment Plant to all low bidders as follows: 1) Air Product-Carbon Dioxide-$.0375/lb; 2) Mississippi Lime-Quick Lime $.095/lb; 3) ACCO-Fluoride-$.30214/lb; 4) DPC-Fluoride-$.4335/lb; 5) UNIVAR-Aluminum Sulfate-$.455/lb; 6) Brenntag Great Lakes-Sodium Permanganate-$.845/lb.

*Original article, titled BLAIR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, online at http://www.enterprisepub.com/public_notices/blair-city-council-meeting-minutes/article_247bca68-7cc5-11e9-8b68-7f51f55f8f31.html