OVER 700 householders and businesses in Adare, who were advised last Friday to boil their tap water before drinking it, were advised yesterday evening that the water has got the all-clear.
Donal Brennan, senior engineer with Limerick County Council, confirmed the good news after a meeting between council and HSE officials.
Following a meeting on Monday, where test sample results were reviewed, it was decided it would be more prudent to retain the boil-water notice, Mr Brennan said.
He added that he was “encouraged” by the progress being made in solving the problem at the water-treatment plant “but the results have to be visible throughout the network”.
But MEP Kathy Sinnott is a member of the EU’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee has expressed concern about the boil notice and especially the excess aluminium detected in the water.
“I am very concerned that once again the health of my constituents has been jeopardised by contaminated water,” she said in a statement to the Limerick Leader.
“It is not the first time that Limerick residents have been exposed to unsafe levels of aluminium in their drinking water.”
Ms Sinnott’s statement also comes on foot of a statement from UK ecologist, Doug Cross, (who addressed a meeting on fluoridation organised by Ms Sinnott in Limerick last month) who said the council’s boil notice was misleading.
“While Limerick County Council has advised ‘vulnerable users such as those with poor kidney function or renal failure and in particular those on renal dialysis, not to drink the water but to source alternative supplies’, nevertheless to imply at the same time that boiling the tap water reduces the risk is totally misleading.
The results of tests on all public water supplies in Limerick are posted on the council’s website.
The County Council has asked members of the public to notify them of any elderly or disabled residents, who may require special assistance.
And they have given out the following list of phone numbers for anyone seeking further information or advice: 061-496326 (9.30am-4.30pm Monday-Friday) or 087-6295167 (after hours up to 11pm) or 061-419226 (outside these hours).