Brevard City Council in July 2007 decided to remove fluoride from the city water system after ONE resident cited health concerns, even with the local dentists and health officials opposed the removal of the fluoride. At least weeks meeting the there were a number of people including dentists that and City Council Woman Dee Dee Perkins didn’t feel they were properly heard before the 2007 decision was made. I too agreed that the proper studies or the hearing of the researchers was not properly heard and a hasty decision was made.

During the meeting local dentist Dr. Joe Cowart presented council with information from the state of North Carolina that indicated teeth decay among the local 5th graders had increased since the removal in 2007. Dr. Coward went on to say that that fluoride is abundant and already exists in many places such as in apples, tea, coffee, yet indicated too much fluoride could cause problems. As a child I was raised in the city and on city water and we had fluoride and for the most part my teeth have remained healthy and my sister never had a cavity until she went off to college. Dr. Cowart went on to say “the idea is to get an optimal amount” It is difficult enough to get our children to eat properly and at every turn their are vending machines, fast food restaurants, quick stops at service stations that rarely offer favorable foods, but instead processed, preserved and artificial sweets, soft drinks and treats.

Interseting that there was support for including fluoride also came from the Center of Disease Control and the American Dental Association. The cost to the City of Brevard for the addition of Fluoride into their water system had an annual cost of $5,000.00 per year. Fluoride was first introduced into our cities water system in 1980 without a complaint until this one individual brought up the opposition to the adding of the fluoride.

City Manager Joe Moore went on to say that staff didn’t really have the expertise to evaluate the health aspects of the implementation or the non including of fluoride into their water treatment system. Mr. Moore went on to say that that he recommended that the city coordinate with the city health department to review all sides of the issue and make a report back and recommendations from a group of health practitioners. I too agree a study should be done, and if 5th graders are seeing an increase in tooth decay then the reconsideration of the addition of fluoride should be reconsidered.

As a curiosity I have a question for the readers. How many know if their water has fluoride and if so what their not only personal feeling might be on the issue but if they have ever researched the benefits or detrimental effects fluoride might have. I was curious and just looked at my toothpaste and found it contains fluoride and for as long as I can remember it always has. Do we need more? Do we get enough? Whats your opinion?