BUNDABERG Mayor Mal Forman has announced a public forum on fluoride, to be held at the Civic Centre on January 31. 2013.

“I have stated on several occasions that while councillors have a view on fluoride, mainly based on the financial costs of implementing the program, council does not have a formalised position,” Cr Forman said.

“Council will need to be guided by the community as a whole on this very important issue.”

He added: “I look forward to council playing a lead role progressing sensible and fruitful community dialogue on this issue in the new year.

“As part of this role I have booked the Civic Centre for Thursday, January 31 next year for a public forum on fluoride.

Invitations to various professionals will be forwarded in the new year and I invite expressions of interest from professionals who may wish to speak.”

Bundaberg Regional Council was given the right to choose whether or not to add fluoride to its water supply last month, after new legislation was passed through State Parliament.

Bundaberg Health Promotions chairman Dr Martin Strahan said the opportunity to present the pro-fluoride case for him and his colleagues would be considered carefully.

“Given the vitriol expressed against promoters of the pro-fluoridation case, can the safety of professional presenters be guaranteed,” he said. adding he would need more information on what was being proposed.

Dr Strahan is one of a group of four health professionals who this week sent a letter to Cr Forman asking for council “to take a positive lead in implementing this important health initiative.”

The other signatories to the letter were Bundaberg and District Local Medical Association’s president Daud Yanus, Australian Dental Association’s Bundaberg branch representative Cathy Speight and public health physician Margaret Young.