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JEFFERSON CITY, MO – The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services announced today that Poplar Bluff Municipal Utilities and Charleston Water Treatment Plant have been awarded the 2020 Community Water Fluoridation 50 Year Award from the American Dental Association (ADA), Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for continuously adjusting and maintaining the amount of fluoride in drinking water for the prevention of tooth decay in adults and children. This award recognizes those communities that achieved excellence in community water fluoridation by maintaining a consistent level of fluoride in drinking water for fifty consecutive years, starting in 1970.
For 2020, a total of 382 public water systems in 30 states received these awards, including these two communities in Missouri. Nationally, nearly three-quarters (74.4 percent) – or over 211 million people – served by community water systems have access to optimally fluoridated tap water.
According to Casey Hannan, MPH, Director, CDC Division of Oral Health, “Water fluoridation is one of the best investments that a community can make in maintaining the oral health of its citizens. It is equally effective in preventing cavities in children and adults. Fluoridation is also highly cost effective. Studies continue to show that the economic benefit of fluoridation programs exceed their cost. An individual can enjoy a lifetime of fluoridated water for less than the cost of one dental filling.”
“Water operators deserve our gratitude in bringing clean, fluoridated water to their customers’ homes. Community water fluoridation has been recognized by CDC as one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th Century. We are especially proud of Poplar Bluff Municipal Utilities and Charleston Water Treatment Plant for continuing this important public health measure over the last 50 years,” stated Guy Deyton, DDS, Dental Director, Department of Health and Senior Services.
Learn more about the importance of oral health and water fluoridation at the Office of Dental Health website.
Media Contact: Lisa Cox Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Lisa.Cox@health.mo.gov
About the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services: The department seeks to be the leader in protecting health and keeping people safe. More information about DHSS can be found at http://health.mo.gov or find us on Facebook and Twitter @HealthyLivingMo
*Original press release online at https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/542664645/cdc-awards-missouri-public-water-systems-for-50-years-of-fluoridation-quality